Al-Hasan bin Ali was taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when
completion of the Witr prayer, that prayer: "Allahummah dinii fiiman hadaita,
wa' aafinii fiiman 'aafaita, tawallanii fiiman tawallaita wa, wa baarik lii
fiimaa a'thoita, waqinii syarro maa qodhoita, fainnaka taqdii yuqdhoo wa laa
'alaika, wainnahu man laa yadzillu waalaita, walaa ya'izzuman' aadaita,
tabaarokta robbanaa wa ta'aa laita, Minka illa laa ilaika spoiled. "means:" O
Allah, I tunjukkilah as You tunjuki people. Save me as people who give you
salvation. shall love me as the one you love. bless me anything that you give.
Save me from the evil of what Thou destined. Truly you are decisive and
determining no self You. Truly despicable people will not be the one you love
and not be hostile thou noble people. Glory to You our Lord and Most High. No
safety from You except refuge in You. " (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah 1/911 and Ibn
Abi Syaibah)
Masyhur Shaikh said: "Prayer is not to be added as do most priests pray with" falakal hamdu `alaa wa maa qadlait astaghfiruka atuubu ilaik." The prayers to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the hadith Ubai Thabit bin Ka `ab lead the people in prayer in the time of Umar tarawih radliyallahu `anhu. Perbuataan including charities is salaf although atsar didlaifkan by Ibn Hajar. (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)
Thus the discussion tarawih and laws related to it. Hopefully useful and let us try to run it. Perfection belongs only to God.
Allaah `nature bisshawab.
Maraji ':
1. Shalatut Taraweeh, Shaykh Al-Albani Nashirudin
2. Qiyamul Lail, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
3. Tamamul Minah, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
4. Irwa'ul Ghalil, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
5. Shifatu Shalatin Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, Shaikh
Nashirudin Al-Albani
6. Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin, Shaykh Hasan Salman Masyhur
7. Zadul Ma `ad, Imam Ibn Al-Jauziah Qayim
8. Al-Istidzkar, Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr
9. Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayid Sabiq
10. Bida `Ushulil Sciences, Shaikh Ali Hasan Abdul Hamid.
Masyhur Shaikh said: "Prayer is not to be added as do most priests pray with" falakal hamdu `alaa wa maa qadlait astaghfiruka atuubu ilaik." The prayers to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the hadith Ubai Thabit bin Ka `ab lead the people in prayer in the time of Umar tarawih radliyallahu `anhu. Perbuataan including charities is salaf although atsar didlaifkan by Ibn Hajar. (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)
Thus the discussion tarawih and laws related to it. Hopefully useful and let us try to run it. Perfection belongs only to God.
Allaah `nature bisshawab.
Maraji ':
1. Shalatut Taraweeh, Shaykh Al-Albani Nashirudin
2. Qiyamul Lail, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
3. Tamamul Minah, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
4. Irwa'ul Ghalil, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
5. Shifatu Shalatin Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, Shaikh
Nashirudin Al-Albani
6. Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin, Shaykh Hasan Salman Masyhur
7. Zadul Ma `ad, Imam Ibn Al-Jauziah Qayim
8. Al-Istidzkar, Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr
9. Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayid Sabiq
10. Bida `Ushulil Sciences, Shaikh Ali Hasan Abdul Hamid.
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