Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pillars of Hajj ..

 A pilgrimage pillars are:

(1) ihram,
(2) Thowaf ifadhoh,
(3) sa'i,
(4) before staying at Arafat

If any one of these pillars is missing, the pilgrimage made illegal.
First Pillars: Ihram
The meaning of Ihram is the intention to enter into the rituals of Hajj. Who left this intention, his Hajj is invalid. The evidence is the statement of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"Surely every deeds depends on the intentions and every person will get what he intended." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 1 and Muslim no. 1907)
Mandatory ihram include:

     Ihram from miqot.
     Do not wear seamless underwear (which shows the curve of the body or limb). Men are not allowed to wear clothes, robes, coats, Imamat, headgear, khuf or shoes (unless not find khuf). Women are not allowed to wear niqob (face veil) and gloves.

Sunnah Ihram:

     Wearing perfume on the body.
     Cutting pubic hair, underarm hair, shortening the mustache, cutting the nails so in a state of ihram not have to clean those things, especially when it is forbidden ihram.
     Wearing izar (sarong) and a rida '(cloth top) that clean white and wearing sandals. While women wear what she likes, not necessarily a particular color, as long as it does not resemble the clothing of men and not cause a scandal.
     Intend Ihram after prayers.
     Increase the Talbiyah reading.

Saying the intention of Hajj or Umrah or both, should be done after the prayer, after intending to rituals. But if the intention when it was riding the vehicle, then it may well before reaching miqot. If you have not yet intend to miqot however, is to be considered has passed without berihram miqot.
Lafazh Talbiyah:
"Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Syariika laka Labbaik Labbaik laa. Innalhamda wan ni'mata, laka wal mulk, laa syariika lacquer ". (I answered the call of thy God, I am answering Your call, I answer Your call, no partner for Thee, Thee I answered the call. Verily all praise, the pleasure and power are only yours, no partner for Thee ). When bertalbiyah, disunnahkan man raised his voice.
Pillars of the second: Standing at Arafat
Standing at Arafat is the most important pillar of Hajj. Who escaped before staying in Arafah, his Hajj is invalid. Ibn Rushd said: "The scholars agreed that before staying at Arafat was part of the pillars of Hajj and who escaped, then there must be a substitute pilgrimage (in the other)." Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Hajj is Arafah before staying." (Narrated by An Nasai no. 3016, Tirmidhi no. 889, Ibn Majah no. 3015. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh).
The definition wukuf are present and are in the area anywhere in Arafah, even in sleep, unconscious, driving, sitting, lying down or walking, is also good in a state of holy or unholy (such as menstruation, childbirth or junub) (Fiqh Sunnah, 1 : 494). The time before staying at Arafat is said to be the start time of sun slips (zawal time) on the day of Arafah (9 Hijjah) until the dawn of time Shubuh (entry Shubuh time) on the day of Nahr (10 Dzulhijjah). If someone other than the time before staying at Arafat, the unauthorized wukufnya by consensus of the scholars (Al Mawsu'ah Al fiqhiyah, 17: 49-50).
If someone before staying at any time from the time before, either in part day or night, then that's enough. But if he wukuf during the day, it shall before staying until the sun had sunk. If he wukuf at night, he does not have any obligation. Imam Shafi'i Madzab found until the night before staying at Arafat is the Sunnah (Sunnah Fiqh, 1: 494).
Sabiq Sayid says, "Up to Jabal Rahmah and believe before staying there afdhol (more important), it's wrong, that's not including the teachings of Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam-." (Fiqh Sunnah, 1: 495)
Three pillars: Thowaf Ifadhoh (Thowaf Ziyaroh)
Thowaf is circling the Kaaba seven times. The evidence is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
"And let them do do tawaf around the old house (Baitullah)." (Surat al-Hajj: 29)
Terms Thowaf:

     Intend when Thowaf.
     Saints of hadats (in the opinion of the majority of scholars).
     Closing genitals because it Thowaf like prayer.
     Thowaf done in the mosque even though much of the Kaaba.
     Kaaba is located to the left of the berthowaf.
     Thowaf carried seven times round.
     Thowaf done in a row without any lapse if there is no intent.
     Starting Thowaf of the Black Stone.

Sunnah-sunnah when Thowaf, namely:

     When you start the first round to say, "Bismillah, wallahu akbar. Allahumma iimaanan bika, wa bi tashdiiqon kitaabika, wa wafaa's bi'ahdika, wat tibaa'an li sunnati nabiyyika Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam'. And each round bertakbir when it meets Black Stone bertakbir "Allahu akbar".
     Facing the Black Stone when starting Thowaf and raised his hands while bertakbir when facing the Black Stone.
     Starting Thowaf from close to the Black Stone from the pillars of Yamani. Starting Thowaf of the Black Stone was mandatory. But start with the whole body of the Black Stone is not mandatory.
     Istilam (rubbing) and kiss the Black Stone when starting Thowaf and on each round. How istilam is putting hands on the Black Stone and put his mouth on her hand and kissed it.
     Roml, ie walking quickly with short legs move. This Roml disunnahkan for men, not for women. Roml done when Thowaf qudum (arrival) or Thowaf umra first three rounds.
     Idh-tibaa ', which opens the right shoulder. This is done on Thowaf qudum (arrival) or Thowaf Umrah and performed by men only, no women.
     Istilam (rubbed) pillars Yamani. Pillars Yamani not need to kiss and do not need to bow down before him. The addition to the Black Stone and Pillars Yamani, then rubbed disunnahkan for.
     Pray at the Black Stone and Pillars Yamani. From 'Abdullah bin As Saaib, he said, "I heard the Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said between two pillars: Robbanaa aatina hasanah fid dunya wa fil aakhirooti hasanah, wa qinaa 'adzaban naar (Our Lord, Grant unto us a favor in the world and in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of hell). " (Narrated by Abu Dawud no. 1892. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh)
     Walked over to the Kaaba for men and women away from the Kaaba.
     Keeping in view of the many things that neglect.
     Dhikr and prayed in siir (softly).
     Read the Qur'an when Thowaf without his voice.
     Beriltizam on Multazam. This was done in order to imitate the Prophet shallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam where he beriltizam by sticking his chest and right cheek, then did his arms and hands stretched to the wall. This is all in order to humble himself to the owner of the house ie Allah Ta'ala. Multazam also among the places of prayer terkabulnya a degree hasan hadeeth. As Shaykh said Sadlan (Taisirul Fiqh, 347-348), "Pray in Multazam disunnahkan after Thowaf and Multazam located between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba."
     Raka'at after praying two Thowaf behind maqom Ibrahim. When it after reading Al Fatiha in the first raka'at, disunnahkan read surat Al infidels and second cycles, disunnahkan reading the Al Ikhlas. When praying, the shoulder is no longer in a state of IDH-tibaa '.
     Drinking zam-zam water and poured it over his head after praying two raka'at after Thowaf.
     Black Stone back rub before heading to sa'i.


     Syafi'iyah cleric said, "If the IDH-tibaa 'and roml do when Thowaf sa'i qudum then after that, the IDH-tibaa' and roml not need to be repeated again in Thowaf ifadhoh. But if sa'i (hajj) to Thowaf ifadhoh diakhirkan, then disunnahkan do IDH-tibaa 'and roml when it (Fiqh Sunnah, 1: 480).
     There is no remembrance or prayer readings given for each round when Thowaf. Some pilgrims suggest so, but there is no supporting arguments in this regard, and often burdensome.

Four pillars: Sa'i
Sa'i is running between Shofa and Marwah in order to worship. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Do sa'i because God requires for you to do." (Narrated by Ahmad 6: 421. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that the hadith is hasan).
Terms sa'i:

     Threaded between Thowaf and sa'i.
     Do row between each round. But if there is a short waiting time between rounds, it does not matter, especially if it is really needed.
     Perfecting up to seven times round.
     Performed after a saheeh Thowaf.

Sunnah-sunnah sa'i:

     When approaching Shofa, saying, "Innash shofaa wal Marwata sya'airillah min. Abda-u-Allahu bimaa badaa more. "
     Stop for a moment in between Safa to pray. Facing the Qiblah, then said, "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Laa laa ilaha illallah wahdahu syarika lah, lahul mulku hamdu wa huwa lahul wa 'ala Kulli syai-in qodiir. Laa ilaha illallahu wahdah, shodaqo wa'dah nashoro wa 'wa abdah hazamal ahzaaba wahdah. "When in Marwah doing the same thing.
     Darted between two green lights for men capable.
     Pray the prayer of anything in any round, without devoted to prayer, dhikr or a particular reading.
     Successive sa'i done after Thowaf, is not done with the lapse of time unless there is a justifiable excuse.

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