Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Di Al_Qur"an pasti ada jawabanya setiap umatnya

Kita manusia pasti mempunyai keluh kesah masalah keluarga ataupun masalah pekerjaan,janganlah risau akan hal hal seperti itu karna dalam  Al-Qur'an  sudah ada jawabnya.

AL-QUR’AN:Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan,"Kami
telah beriman", sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah
menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui dan mana
orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui
 orang-orang yang dusta.
[Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3]
AL-QUR’AN : Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.
[Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286]
AL-QUR’AN : Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh
jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah
mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
[Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216]
AL-QUR’AN : Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati,
padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi derajatnya, jika kamu orang-
orang yang beriman.
[Surah Al-Imran ayat 139]
AL-QUR’AN :  Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan
sholat; dan sesungguhnya shalat itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang
yang khusyu.
[Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45]
AL-QUR’AN : Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, diri dan harta
mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka.
[Surah At-Taubat ayat 111]
AL-QUR’AN : Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku
[Surah At-Taubat ayat 129]
AL-QUR’AN : dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada
berputus asa dari rahmat Allah melainkan kaum yang kafir.
[Surah Yusuf ayat 12]
AL-QUR’AN :(yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka manjadi tenteram dengan
mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi
[Ar-Ra'd ayat 28]

Monday, February 11, 2013


सदाचार लेता  दिनांक पैगंबर की हदीस है जो कहते हैं, से पता लगाया जा सकता है: आदमी जबह . (बुखारी द्वारा सुनाई). यह वह जो सात अंक  दिनांक के साथ नाश्ता खाया, यह दिन पर उसे जहर और जादू नहीं नुकसान होगा: जिसका अर्थ है
सदाचार लेता Ajwah दिनांक पैगंबर की हदीस है जो कहते हैं, से पता लगाया जा सकता है: आदमी sab'a जबह . (बुखारी द्वारा सुनाई). यह वह जो सात अंक Ajwah दिनांक के साथ नाश्ता खाया, यह दिन पर उसे जहर और जादू नहीं नुकसान होगा: जिसका अर्थ है
 नबी तिथियां पता तिथियाँ पैगंबर है क्योंकि माना जाता है कि इस

तिथियाँ पैगंबर मुहम्मद के पसंदीदा प्रकार है. और वह खुद मदीना में Ajwah रोपण है. सामान्य तारीख से बहुत अलग लग रही है. आधे से एक अंगूठे के आकार के बारे में छोटे और अधिक गोल आकार,. Ajwah त्वचा अंधेरे भूरे काले रंग. हथेली के प्रकार जो जो सभी वेरिएंट उपलब्ध तिथियाँ मिठास के निम्नतम स्तर के पैगंबर तारीख की वजह से मिठाई पसंद नहीं है के लिए उपयुक्त है.

Friday, February 8, 2013


ISTIGHFAR MELAPANGKAN KEGUNDAHAN DAN MERINGANKAN BEBAN - Dari Abdullah bin Abbas radhiyallahu ‘anhuma berkata: Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salam bersabda, “Barangsiapa yang senantiasa beristighfar niscaya Allah akan menjadikan baginya kelapangan dari segala kegundahan yang menderanya, jalan keluar dari segala kesempitan yang dihadapinya dan Allah memberinya rizki dari arah yang tidak ia sangka-sangka.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 1518, Ibnu Majah no. 3819, Al-Baihaqi dalam As-Sunan Al-Kubra no. 6421 dan Ath-Thabarani dalam Al-Mu’jam Al-Kubra no. 10665)

Makna hadits:

- Barangsiapa yang senantiasa beristighfar: Barangsiapa yang senantiasa beristighfar dalam segala kondisi atau meminta ampunan Allah setiap kali melakukan kemaksiatan atau menghadapi musibah.

- niscaya Allah akan menjadikan baginya kelapangan dari segala kegundahan yang menderanya: Allah akan menghilangkan segala kesedihan dan kegalauan yang menyempitkan jiwanya, dan menggantikannya dengan kelapangan dada dan kebahagiaan.

- jalan keluar dari segala kesempitan yang dihadapinya: Allah akan memberikan solusi dan jalan keluar atas segala kesempitan dan problematika kehidupan yang sedang ia alami.

- dan Allah memberinya rizki dari arah yang tidak ia sangka-sangka: Allah memberinya rizki dengan cara yang tidak pernah ia duga dan pikirkan sebelumnya. (Syamsul Haq ‘Azhim Abadi, ‘Aunul Ma’bud Syarh Sunan Abi Daud, 4/267)

Para ulama menyatakan bahwa sanad hadits di atas lemah karena kelemahan seorang perawi bernama Hakam bin Mush’ab. Meski demikian makna hadits di atas adalah benar dan dikuatkan oleh ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an dan banyak hadits shahih.

Imam Mulla Ali Al-Qari Al-Harawi (wafat tahun 1014 H) menyatakan bahwa hadits di atas bersumber dari firman Allah Ta’ala:

وَمَنْ يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَلْ لَهُ مَخْرَجًا (2) وَيَرْزُقْهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَحْتَسِبُ وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بَالِغُ أَمْرِهِ قَدْ جَعَلَ اللَّهُ لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدْرًا (3)

“Dan barangsiapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah niscaya Allah akan menjadikannya untuknya jalan keluar dan Allah akan memberinya rizki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangka. Dan barangsiapa berserah diri kepada Allahs emata niscaya Allah akan mencukupinya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan kehendak-Nya. Dan Allah telah menetapkan ketentuan atas segala sesuatu.” (QS. Ath-Thalaq [65]: 2-3)

Makna hadits di atas juga ditegaskan oleh firman Allah melalui lisan nabi Hud ‘alaihis salam:

وَيَا قَوْمِ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ ثُمَّ تُوبُوا إِلَيْهِ يُرْسِلِ السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِدْرَارًا وَيَزِدْكُمْ قُوَّةً إِلَى قُوَّتِكُمْ وَلَا تَتَوَلَّوْا مُجْرِمِينَ

“Wahai kaumku, mintalah ampunan Rabb kalian kemudian bertaubatlah kalian kepada-Nya, niscaya Dia mengirimkan dari langit hujan yang deras kepada kalian dan menambahkan kekuatan atas kekuatan kalian, dan janganlah kalian berpaling dengan menjadi orang-orang yang banyak berbuat dosa.” (QS. Hud [11]: 52)

Juga firman Allah melalui lisan nabi Nuh ‘alaihis salam:

فَقُلْتُ اسْتَغْفِرُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّهُ كَانَ غَفَّارًا (10) يُرْسِلِ السَّمَاءَ عَلَيْكُمْ مِدْرَارًا (11) وَيُمْدِدْكُمْ بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ وَيَجْعَلْ لَكُمْ أَنْهَارًا (12)

Maka aku katakan kepada kaumku: “Mintalah ampunan Rabb kalian karena sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun. Niscaya Dia akan mengirimkan dari langit hujan yang deras kepada kalian, mengaruniakan kepada kalian limpahan harta dan anak-anak, menjadikan untuk kalian kebun-kebun dan menjadikan untuk kalian sungai-sungai.” (QS. Nuh [71]: 10-12)

Salah satu ciri hamba-hamba Allah yang shalih dan meraih surga adalah banyak beristighfar, terlebih pada sepertiga malam yang terakhir, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam surat Ali Imran [3]: 17 dan Adz-Dzariyat [51]: 18. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa salam sendiri telah member tauladan kepada umatnya dengan beristighfar minimal sebanyak 70 kali dalam sehari semalam. Maka sudah selayaknya bagi kita untuk menjadikan istighfar sebagai bagian penting dalam hidup kita sehari-hari. Wallahu a’lam bish-shawab.


 LIFE AS THE ROTATING WHEEL - sometimes accompanies us laughter, sometimes tears emotion surrounds us, sometimes anger control of our emotions, sometimes all of them mixed, mingled into one,
That's the color of our lives. Sometimes bright, sometimes dim, sometimes gray, sometimes black, dark and murky. To be sure you are not just servants of God most unfortunate.
Why do we always feel like it? when in trouble, when he gets the disaster, while undergoing severe life?? why?
Because of our lack of gratitude for the blessings that God has given us. Try us recall that in this world there are many people who are more unfortunate than us. We are grateful patutnya though we were hit by natural disasters or are facing a serious problem. That ordeal of life.
Remember that life is always spinning, not always above us, maybe not forever we are under, because God is "FAIR".
Know when tomorrow comes, the problems afflicting us would become "yesterday's problem".
A week passed the matter would be "a problem in the last week".
One month, the problem would be a "problem in the last month".
And so it goes, the longer it maasalah would definitely stay away, to be "a problem in the last year", "a problem in the past". and so on until the problem is only going to be "a memory that never pass in our lives."
Therefore, never confused, do not worry, do not despair, and do not give up when we hit a problem. Remain strong and steadfast in carrying out a problem. Think ahead. Remember that life will never stop until there alone, life will go on and spinning, be assured that it will all be over soon. Rest assured that you'll get through it
Allah He will say: Allah does not burden a person but according to his capacity. He got the reward (of virtue) are earned and he got the punishment (of the crime) was doing. (They prayed): "Our Lord, do not take us not if we forget or fall into error. O our Lord, do not you impose upon us a heavy burden as You impose on people before us. O our Lord, do not take pikulkan us what we could not carry it. ma'aflah Give us: forgive us, and we rahmatilah. Thou our Helper, so help us against the unbelievers. " (Surat al-Baqara: 286)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Renungan Hot


Ini hanyalah sekedar sebuah renungan  yang mungkin terlintas dalam pikiran sebagian orang jaman sekarang yang  melihat keadaan di sekelilingnya.
Kenapa kebanyakan cewek ABG sekarang itu moral nya lebih HINA dibanding PELACUR ?
Meski tidak semuanya akan tetapi jumlahnya lebih dari separohnya seperti itu. Coba bandingkan cewek ABG zaman sekarang banyak yang udah jebol sebelum nikah. Ada anak smp yang sudah sering melakukannya, bahkan saatnya sekolah mencuri waktu  untuk minggat agar bisa melakukan hal tersebut
Mereka membuang buang keperawanan nya hanya demi Si Pujaan Hati yang dengan gampang merayu.
Mereka tak pernah menyesali perbuatan mereka, bahkan mereka melakukan nya secara GRATIS...!! sukarela tanpa bayaran sepeser pun.

Tapi bandingkan dengan Para PELACUR dijalan, mereka walaupun Rela di tiduri lelaki. Tapi mereka melakukan semua itu hanya untuk mencari sesuap nasi, bahkan demi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarganya mereka rela mengorbankan harga dirinya di injak2 oleh orang lain dengan alasan keluarganya bisa bahagia. Mereke mengorbankan dirinya untuk orang lain yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Bukan hanya sekedar kesenangan pribadinya sendiri saja.

Tapi para ABG jaman sekarang, kalian cari apa? apa gak nyesel? Kasian sama orang tua yang besarin kalian, bekerja dari pagi sampai matahari terbenam hanya untuk membahagiakan keluarga. Tanpa sepengetahuan orang tua mereka telah melakukan hal yang tak seharusnya dilakukan. Terkadang ada anak yang sudah mempunyai anak dikarenakan hamil muda karena sebuah kecelakaan saat masih  duduk di bangku sekolah.

Dan yang paling diutamakan adalah para anak nya. Jadilah seorang anak yang berguna bagi semua orang, terutama orang tua dan keluarga.
Jangan jadi sampah masyarakat yang hanya merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Menempatkan iklan di bawah postingan artikel

Buat sobat bloger mari berkreasi memberikan tampilan pada blog supaya asik dalam merauk rupiah /dolar dengan menjadi publiser yang baik .dengan menempatkan iklan yang relevan dan mudah di lihat pengunjung pada blog .contoh menempatkan iklan dalam postingan.

selanjutnya ikuti langkah berikut :

1. Cari kode <div class='post-body entry-content'> atau <div class='post-header-line-1'> atau <data:post.body/>.
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2. Setelah ketemu dengan kode di atas, letakkan kode iklan yang telah di phrase tepat di bawah kode <div class='post-body entry-content'> atau <div class='post-header-line-1'> atau sobat bisa menempatkan kode iklan yang telah diphrase tadi tepat di atas kode <data:post.body/> yang pertama.

3. Langkah terakhir Save Template. dan lihat hasilnya.

Sekarang di setiap postingan sobat, tepat dibawah judul posting akan menampilkan iklan yang telah sobat pasang. Gimana? sangan mudah bukan Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Posting.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tips 5 Memilih Pom Bensin & Mengisi Bensin

Petrol Stations & Tips on Choosing the Right Petrol Filling!!!!

1. More GOOD Pertamina Fuel Fill in Code 34 or (Both numbers "1")
Every gas station has a code before each .. where you can find out?

Below I give tips for content on great Fuel: Ever notice the big names signpost on the way to the pump? In Jakarta and surrounding areas listed 31.XXXXX letters or 34.XXXXX. it's not the tail code. The first letter signifies the beginning of the area code. Being the second number implies ownership.

3 means that the pump head is domiciled in Jakarta West Java, Banten and surrounding areas. And heads 5 In Surabaya area.
The second digit, if the number 1 means the ownership Pertamina itself. While the number 4 means the private ownership or dealer .. so an important figure both 1 not matter what the numbers first because it's area code.

Because, in fact there are three categories of retail outlets. First COCO aka operate corporate corporate owner, the corporate owner codo dealers operate. Last DODO, dealer dealer owner operate. It is based on the site spbu.pertamina.com

Because it is driven by Pertamina, the quality of the model COCO petrol stations and Codo believed to be better than the DODO. Without wishing to generalize, on the business side is understandable, because they want a quick turnover, so employers cheating. nyaranin heck if I should fill the gasoline at the pump are owned Pertamina (both number 1) because of its quality control is pretty good .. I denger2 also from taxi drivers and orang2 who have experience of fitting ngisi checking station said the code 31 (Figures Both 1) while the corresponding proportion of 34 is somewhat different though had a "MUST PAS".

According to many people also pertamina code 31 (Figures Both 1) turned out to be the best (quality gasoline) than denanda a code 34.

In this way :

Try for those of you who use a car / motorcycle matic, will certainly feel the pull of the car. Pertamina petrol when filling the sign code 31 (Figures Both 1) will feel the pull of the car much faster and less dirty than the pom sign with a sign other code.

Try to compare the number of cars / motor gasoline fill the gas station,,, at the gas station code 31 (Figures Both 1) must have been very busy while code 34 is slightly inclined lonely .. I've proved myself.

Try to fill a 1 Liter gasoline at gas station 31 (Figures Both 1) and 34 gas stations .. aja compare in terms of quality (better engine) and quantity (whichever is sooner discharged).

you try to ask the same minivan drivers or taxi drivers where a good gas station, surely most of them answered at the gas station 31 (figure Second 1) because they fill a lot at the gas station 31
If you do not believe you can be proven himself ... but not all 34 are also very rich.

2. Detachable Hose Handle lever is placed in the tank Only Time We
Never fill a gas when you do not, so the same tuasa ditekan2 officers handle? surely never was nemuinnya ... why is that? because many unscrupulous rogue with you how to play the dosing station with a sign like that so that the amount of gasoline that we fill less than what it should be.
My experience at the gas station fill a code 31 (Second figure 1), the officer not ever squeeze lever handle hose while filling in the code, while 34 liat aja deh ... if your subject fill the petrol digituin, reprimanded the officer wrote.
3. Gasoline Fill Time was still morning when soil temperatures are still cold
Remember that all gas stations have tanah.Semakin storage tanks under the ground the more dense cold / viscous fuel. If the temperature is getting hot / warm, then the fuel will mengembang.Jadi when buying fuel during the day or evening .. actual fuel loaded into the tank of your vehicle clearly less than the number of liters you beli.Dalam oil business, specific gravity and the temperature of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products has an important role. Increase of 1 degree is very influential in this business. But the pump does not give you loss / compensation due to temperature

4. ISI Gasoline Vehicles Yanki When You Still Half Full
The reason is that more fuel in the vehicle tank, the less air there is in the tank is empty. Gasoline evaporates faster than we can imagine. In the oil business usually gasoline storage tanks have what we call the floating roof (floating roof), which serves as zero clearance between the petrol and the atmosphere so that evaporation can be reduced., But it was not available at the pump.

5. DO NOT Fill Gasoline If There Truck Fuel Tank Storage Medium Charge
Almost certainly the gasoline / diesel fuel will be mixed when pumped from the truck to the gas station storage tanks, and likely there will be dirt in the bottom of storage tanks that churned up and shipped into the tank of your vehicle.

Iklan autoclick pengunjung

Shared blogger for beginners, novice bloggers would want to enhance your blog and add a hefty fee for buying snacks, please advertise autoclose that principle, every visitor should klose our ads. example :
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Well good luck and bloggers can add more revenue ,masters who want shared again please . to share his knowledge with the beginners .

Friday, February 1, 2013

Tarawih prayers in congregation

No doubt that tarawih prayers with congregation in Ramadhan is highly recommended. It is known by the following:

1. Determination of the Prophet about her congregation.
2. Deed he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam.
3. His statement about fadlilah (virtue) it.

Determination he appears in the hadith Tsa `spider bin Abi Malik Al-Quradli, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night in the month of Ramadhan out and saw a group of people praying in the mosque next door. He asked: "What are they doing?" Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, they are the people who can not read the Qur'an, Ubay ibn Ka'b read it to them and they pray with him that". Then he said: "They have done good," or "They have done right and it was not hated for them." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi 2/495 and he said: "This hadeeth mursal hasan." Shaykh Al-Albani said: "This hadith has been narrated also serialized (maushul) from other avenues of Abi Hurairah radliyallahu` anhu with sanad la ba 'sa bihi because the hadiths supporters. hadith is also mentioned by Ibn Nasr in Qiyamul Lail terms. Abu Dawud 90 with a history of 1/217 and Al-Bayhaqi).

While his actions in this regard mentioned in some hadith, namely: From Nu `man bin Bashir radliyallahu` anhu, he said: "We stood (to pray tarawih) with the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam at night to 23 in the month of Ramadhan until the end The first third of the night. then we prayed with him on the night of the 25th to mid-evening. then he prayed with us until the night of the 27th we thought that we did not get the al-Falah (dawn meal) until we called for the dawn. " (Narrated by Ibn Abi Al-Mushannaf Syaibah in 2/40/2, Ibn Nasr 89, An-Nasai 1/238, Ahmad 4/272, Al-Firyabi in Ar-Rabi `wal Khamis min Kitabis Shiyam 1/440 and said : "In this hadith there is a clear proposition that tarawih prayers in the mosques of the Muslims including the sunnah and Ali ibn Abi Talib has always advocated radliyallahu` Umar Umar to set up this sunnah until he had set it up. ")

Also the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam perform prayers in the month of Ramadhan. I came and stood beside her. Then came another and another until they numbered more than three people. When the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam felt that I was behind him, he lighten (reading) prayer, then go to his house. Once inside his house, he prayed there and pray with us. The next day we asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, you taught us last night (dien case)?" So he replied: "Yes, and that's what caused me to do." (Narrated by Ahmad 3/199, 212, 291 and Ibn Nasr with two saheeh isnaad and At-Thabrani in Al-Ausath, semisalnya as in Al-Jami '3/173).

Also the hadith of Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" People pray at the mosque the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan with groups. Someone who has a bit of (verses) of the Qur'an along with five or six people or less or more than that. they prayed together one last. then the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ordered that night to put a mat on the (front) door of my room. I also do it. then the Prophet came out to him after the late evening prayers. then assembled human Prophet in the mosque and pray with them late into the night. Messenger then go and enter (the house) to leave the mat away (in the original). In the morning, people discuss prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam with people there in the mosque at night. then become a mosque full of people. Then the Prophet came out (to the mosque) on the second night and they pray with him. Be men discuss it. After that improved many who attended the mosque (up packed with residents .) On the eve of the third man beliaupun out and pray with him. then when the fourth night the mosque was not nearly enough. then Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam evening prayers' that end with them and then go into his house, were human remains (in mosque). Messenger of Allah said to me: "O Aisha, what about the human condition?" I said: 'O Messenger of Allah, people hear about prayers with the people in the mosque last night, they flock to it and ask that you pray with them. " Then he said: "Fold your mat, O Ayesha!" Neither do so. Messenger overnight (at home) and not in a state of neglect while people remain in their place. dressing some of them say the word "prayer" to the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam out for morning prayers. dawn When finished praying, he was facing the man and bertasyahud (say the shahada in khutbatul Hajah), and then said: "Amma ba` du, O people, by Allah, Alhamdulillah last night I was not in a state of neglect and you two are not obscured for me. However, I'm worried about is obligatory upon you (in another narration: But I fear Lail prayers obligatory upon you) then you are weak (to do so), then it means you are burdened deeds that you can not afford. God does not get tired until you get tired. "In another narration there are additional, Az-Zuhri said:" After the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam died, things were so. This lasted until the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar at the beginning of the caliphate. "(Narrated by Bukhari 3/8-10, 4/203, 205, 2/177-178-188-189 Muslim, Abu Daud 1/217, An-Nasai 1 / 237 and others).

Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar commented Az-Zuhri saying "such circumstances", that is in a state of abandonment tarawih prayers in congregation.

While Sheikh Albani states: "More accurate to say that he meant tarawih prayers done in groups."

Shaykh Albani said: "This hadith is explained very clearly about disyariatkannya tarawih prayers in congregation, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam continue to do on those evenings. Mentioned in this hadith that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam left at night fourth (ie tarawih prayers in congregation) for fear required of them with his words: I'm afraid (it) is obligatory upon you. Undoubtedly the Prophet worries disappear with his death after Allah perfected His Shari'a. hereby gone since leaving the congregation and return to the previous law disyariatkannya worshipers. therefore Umar radliyallahu `anhu menghidupkkannya back."

The hadith of ibn al-Yaman Hudzaifah radliyallahu `anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night prayers in the month of Ramadhan in the room (made) from the midrib of dates. Then the pitcher of water poured for him. Then he said: "Allahu Akbar (three times) Dhul angelic jabarut wal wal kibriya 'wal` adhamah ", then read surah Al-Baqarah. Then he bowing and such ruku'nya old establishment and read on ruku'nya: Subhana rabbiyal `adhim, Subhana rabbiyal` adhim. Then he raised his head from bowing and stand as long ruku'nya and say: "Rabiyal hamdu". Then prostrate and long prostration as stands (ie standing after bowing) in prostration and say "Subhana rabbiyal a` la ". Then lifting his head from prostration and read in between the two prostrations rabbighfirli and sat for a prostration. Then bow down again and read "Subhana rabiyal a` la ". He prayed four rak'ahs and in it read surah Al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Maida and Al-An `am to come to prayer to prayer (fajr)." (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/90/2 Ibn Nasr case. 89-90, An-Nasai 1/246, Ahmad 5/400, Ibn Majah 1/291, Al-Hakim 1/271, 1/139-140 Abu Dawud, At-Thahawi in Al-Misykah 1 / 308, At-Thayalisi 1/115, Al-Bayhaqi 2/121-122, Ahmad 5/398, Muslim 2/186 and others).

The description of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the virtues of praying in congregation tarawih contained in the hadeeth of Abu Dharr radliyallahu `anhu, he said: We are fasting (Ramadhan), the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with us until the remaining seven days of fasting month of Ramadan. He stood up (for prayer) until one third of the night. He did not stand up (prayers) with us on the rest of the night sixth and stand with us for the rest of the fifth night until half the night. We asked: "O Messenger of Allah, if you sunnah prayer with us for the rest of the night." He replied: "Whoever stands (for prayer tarawih) with the priest until he (the priest) turn, then write him pray all night." Then he did not pray with us until the remaining three nights Ramadhan. He prayed with us for the rest of the third night and he called his family and his wife. He prayed with us until we were worried Falah. Abu Dhar radliyallahu `anhu asked:" What is Falah's that? " He replied: "(Falah is) Sahur." (Reported by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2190/2, Abu Daud 1/217, At-Tirmidhi and dishahihkannya 2/72-73, An-Nasai 1/237, Ibn Majah 11/397, Ath-Thahawi in Syarhu Ma `annealing Atsar 1 / 206, Ibn Nasr case 79, Al-Firyabi 71/1-82/2 and Al-Bayhaqi and saheeh isnaad as expressions of sheikh Al-Albani.)

Speech he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam:" Whoever prayed with priests ... " menunujukkan clear primacy in the month of Ramadhan tarawih prayers with the priest. This is confirmed by Abu Dawud in al-Masa'il things. 62, he said: "I heard Ahmad was asked:" Which one you prefer, a prayer with men (congregation) or are you alone? "He said," Prayer of a common man. I also heard him say: "I'm in awe of someone who prays Witr with tarawih and priests. Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam said: "Indeed a person who prays (tarawih) as a priest until the end, Allah will write for him the rest of the night." All such This was also stated by Ibn Nasr case. 91 of Ahmad. then Abu Dawud said: "Someone said to Ahmad:" I heard diakhirkan tarawih prayers till late in the night? " He replied: "No, the Sunnah of the Muslims more I like."

According to Shaikh Al-Albani intention is to hasten tarawih prayers in congregation (at the beginning of time) was more important than being alone, although diakhirkan until late evening. Prayer at the end of the night had a special virtue. More afdlal congregation since the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam work with men in mosques on some nights as the hadith Aisha in front. Therefore, Muslims execute (in congregation) at the time of Umar radliyallahu `anhu until now." (Tarawih Shalatut things. 15)

The number of cycles Tarawih Prayer

Above have described disyariatkannya tarawih prayers in congregation because of the setting, action and advocacy Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam. Now how exactly the amount of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu society `alaihi wa sallam perform. In this issue there are two hadith that explains :

1. Of Abi Salamah bin Abdurrahman that he asked Aisha radliyallahu `anha:" What prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan?" He replied: "It is the Prophet sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam add (cycles of prayer) in the month of Ramadhan nor in any other eleven melebhi raka'at. Raka'at He prayed four and do not ask how nice and long, and he prayed three raka 'at. " (Bukhari 2/25, 4/205. Muslims 2/16 Abu Uwamah 2/327 Al-Bayhaqi 2/495 - 496 and Ahmad 6/36, 37, 104)
2. From Jabir bin Abdullah radliyallahu `anhu said:" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed with us in Ramadhan eight raka'at and he berwitir. Following night When we gather in mosques and hope he came out (to the mosque). Apparently he does not go arrive until the morning. then we came in and said: "O Messenger of us gathered at the mosque last night and we hope you pray with us." Then he said: "I am concerned about the obligatory upon you."
In the history of Ibn Khuzaimah, Muslims and others who say that prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in Ramadhan and much more at night is 13 raka'at, including her two cycles dawn. However, there is a hadith narrated by Imam Malik 1/142 and Bukhari 3/35 and others from Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" The Prophet used to pray 13 raka'at night. " Then he prayed two light cycles (short) when the dawn call to prayer heard.
Al-Hafidh compromising history (13 cycles) with a previous history (11 cycles), he said: "This hadith Dhahir menyelisihi has passed, then it might be possible that the (excess) two cycles (in which 13 cycles) earlier is sunnah ba` da Isha. "That's because the prayer was held in the home or as an opening night prayers, because it has been Thabit (fixed) in the history of Muslim that the Prophet opened with two cycles of prayer Lail light / short."
Shaikh Al-Albani said: "This is what rajih think, because history shows specificity Abi Salamah / pengharusan at 11 cycles, which is 4 cycles, 4 cycles then 2 cycles. This shows not conflict with a concise history of two cycles."

Qunut Witr exercised only by the middle or end of Ramadan half

Imam Malik found qunut Witr exercised only by the middle or end of the month of Ramadan and a half. It is also stated by Az-Zuhri, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad narrated by Abu Dawud brought arguments:
Umar Ibn al-Khattab radliyallahu `anhu collect (human) to Ubai bin Ka` ab, and he prayed with them at night to 20. He did not qunut except in the latter half month Ramadhan. (Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan 2/65)

Next is the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam qunut at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and a half ....

However, the argument that they have brought is dlaif from several sides:
First, the history of Umar there sanad inqitha '(broken sanad) that Al-Hasan from Umar, Al-Hasan was not met Umar. Second, the sanad history of Anas who narrated from him are Abul Atikah. He said dlaif as Ibn al-Jauziyahdi Qayim in Aunul Ma'bud: "Abu Atikah dlaif." Al-Bayhaqi also said: "No saheeh isnaad (see this page refer to Imam Malik Az-Zarqani Sharh of Al-Muwatha '1/216 and refer to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hani Masail 1/100 no. 500. Similarly Shaikh information Salman Hasan and his famous saying: "Yes, qunut Witr in mid end Ramadhan has special circumstances described by atsar contained in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah 2/155-156 with a saheeh isnaad., however qunut Witr is not specified and limited time this, but he syariatkan throughout the year (Al-Mubin thing Qaulul 133-134). Similarly stated by Syed Sabiq in Fiqhus Sunnah 1/165 and others. Shaikh Masyhur therefore incorporate the above opinion as errors.

Regarding qunut place, there are some opinions that:
First, after ruku `, as the opinion of Imam As-Shafi'i and Ahmad Secondly, before ruku 'in the opinion of the Third Imam Malik, may after bowing before ruku` and, according to one opinion of Imam Malik. (See Al-Istidzkar 6/201)

In deviation of this kind, then we return to the authentic texts of the hadith Ubai radliyallahu bin Ka `ab` anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam rakats Witr qunut on and put it before bowing. '" (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 12/41/1, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i in Sunan Al-Kubra 218/1-2, Ahmad, At-Thabrani, and Ibn al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh isnaad Asakir. Such assessments Shaykh Albani).

This hadeeth supports a second opinion.

Masyhur Shaikh said: "Witr Qunut placed before ruku` while qunut nazilah after ruku `. Unless otherwise occur nazilah (crunch) among the Muslims, as narrated in Ibn Khuzaimah atsar (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)

Then tatacaranya is, as has been said by Sayid Sabiq: "If qunut after ruku`, with a raised hand and Takbir after qunut. Such narrated from some Companions. Menyunahkannya Some scholars and others do not. " (Fiqhus Sunnah 1/166)

The problem rubbing his hands to the face after qunut Imam Al-Bayhaqi said: "It was not major enough to do and what was done by the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam, which raised his hand without wiped away. "

Al-`Izz bin Abdis Salam said:" It is not rubbing his hands to the face after prayer qunut except the stupid / ignorant. " (Al-Fatawa things. 47).

Hence Shaykh Masyhur put it into error in his prayers in the holy Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin (clear information about the fault of the people who pray) p 133.

Qunut prayer made ​​in the Witr prayer

Explanation of prayer qunut done in Witr prayer, from the perspective of hadith and fiqh perspective

(Presented by Shaykh Muhammad bin Salim bin Umar Bazmul while teaching at the University of Umm al-Quraa, Saudi Arabia)

Lessons are divided into two main parts:

Part One: history-a history that discussed validity
Part Two: Issues relating to prayer qunut done in Witr prayer

Authors gather all the authentic history of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) and his companions statements relating to qunut the Witr prayer.

Then he collects are included in the category is valid, in order to distinguish between the (history of) those that can not be acceptable and the unacceptable, in order to concentrate on the basic principles of proper lesson is taken, which is based solely on issues relating with prayer qunut in Witr prayer.

He also collected from well-known schools of jurisprudence that have that explain about it, including schools Dhahiriyyah.

Authors then go back and examine these issues one by one, sorting according to the valid history, using the methodology of the scholars researching, arguing, and draw conclusions.

Some of the conclusions in the study (him) as follows:

1. That prayer qunut the Witr prayer (in the month of Ramadan, red) are allowed do all year round. [Ishaq bin Rahawaih choose qunut (Witr) held during the year, see Mukhtasar Qiyamullail 125, see also the book at-Legal Affairs Committee was fii Masaailil Thaharah Salah by DR. Muhammad ibn 'Umar Bazmul it 362-385. And the word Ma'mar: "I qunut Witr Ramadan throughout the year except early to mid qunut I did not, so first requests by Hasan al-Bahsri, he said from Qatadah and others. See Mushannaf 'Abdurrazzaq 3/120 with a saheeh isnaad . well as from Ibrahim an-Nakha'i have said 'Abdullah: "he never qunut Shubuh all year and he qunut Witr every night before bowing." said Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Syaibah: "It atsar on file. Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/305-306 or 2/205] ".

2. Including the sunnah of Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) which carry sometimes and sometimes left.

3. Connect (above), which is set every night is half last night of the month of Ramadan, which begins with a sixteenth night. [From 'Amr Hasan, that' Umar radiyallaahu 'anhu asked Ubay radiyallaahu' anhu lead the prayers tarawih pd month of Ramadan, and he ordered Ubayy radiyallaahu 'anhu to perform qunut Ramadan began in the mid 16 nights of Ramadan. Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/205 no.10]

4. Qunut (should) be abandoned at the first half of the month Ramadhaan, especially if the prayer is performed in congregation with the people, because it deviates from the Sunnah, and not widely known.

5. Qunut allowed to conduct prayers at (night) the first and second half of the month of Ramadhaan.

6. Qunut in Witr prayer can be done before or after bowing, although best done before bowing. [Hadith Ubay ibn Ka'b: "that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam qunut the Witr prayer before bowing. Abu Dawud no 1427 , Ibn Majah no 1182, sanad saheeh hadeeth (see 'Irwaul Ghalil 1/167 Hadith No. 426 Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud and No. 1266). And as hadith Hasan bin Ali radiyallaahu' anhuma, and history that is authentic from 'Abdullah ibn Mas' ud and 'Abdullah bin Umar radiyallaahu' anhuma, even jumhur narrated from the Companions, as narrated Ibrahim al-Qamah: "Verily, Ibn Mas'ud and other Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam qunut the Witr prayer before bowing." Listen Narrated Ibn olsyaieh Abi Syaibah 2/302 or 2/202 no 12, said by al-Hafiz in "Addirayah" hasan isnaad. Shaykh Albani said sanadnya jayyid according to Muslim requirements (Irwaa'ul Ghalil 2/166). Also Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullah said: "That sounds qunut prayer after bowing and coupled with orang2 cursed infidel, and blessings to Prophet shallalaahu 'alayhi wasallam, and pray for the good of the Muslims, in the middle of Ramadan, because there is the argument of the Sahaba radiyallaahu' anhuma at the time of Umar radiyallaahu 'anhu. Listen Qiyamu Ramadan p.31-32]

7. Includes deviate from the Sunnah bertakbir (Allahu akbar) before and after qunut, when (pick) qunut pray before bowing.

8. Includes Sunnah is that the priest prays his voice when qunut, and the jama'ahnya say "ameen".

9. Including the Sunnah, to not lengthen qunut prayer, and it is best to refer to replenish themselves what reported the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam), so he's only allowed to extend the corresponding statement has been fixed.

10. There is no provision that requires people to pray qunut a certain way, is not free to do anything, because the best way to have authentic history.

11. Sunnah is for the imam people to not pray qunut in the first half of the month Ramadhaan, (but) do qunut is the last half, and begged (in qunut) to destroy the infidels on qunutnya prayer.

12. Allowed to raise their hands in prayer qunut, or let her stay on the side (like the previous position / not raise their hands), or raise your arms and lower initial qunut qunut hand at the end, all this means is allowed.

13. Not allowed to wipe / wipe his face with hands after qunut.

14. Allowed to say prayers to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) in (the) prayer qunut.

15. Abdullaah ibn Mas'ud and Ubay ibn Ka'b (may Allah meridloi both) who has narrated a lot about prayer qunut in (the) Witr prayer.

16. Pray the Witr prayer is like most is the Maghrib, for Maghrib prayer is Witr in the afternoon [/ day] day.

17. Anything done in qunut nazilah (conducted in obligatory prayers) can also be done in prayer qunut the Witr prayer. This is consistent with the principle that something passed in the compulsory practice is also authorized to practice sunnah, unless there is specific arguments against it.

And he hoped would help revive the manhaj Ulama 'in (the) researching, collecting arguments, accept and reject the argument in terms of their validity, and then make conclusions based on it.

May Allaah hears composer, sera giving guidance, and perseverance.

[From the abstract lessons delivered Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul at Umm al-Quraa University, Saudi Arabia]

A fourth: Is the position of the hands raised in prayer qunut?

These laws set forth in prayer qunut:

1) That a person raises his hand;
[Caption ust Abu Hamza Yusuf: Dzahir words Ahlul ilmi (about kaifiyat raised his hand): "that his hands were bound up like a man pleading, asking of others to give something. The stretched and far between the two hands, so I do not know of its origin nor in the Sunnah of the words of scholars "
2) That someone let his hands were by his side;

3) That someone raises his hand in the early qunut and lowered his hands at the end qunut.

Theorem (with respect to the points above):

1) The Prophet (Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) used to raise his hands to pray qunut an-nazilah, ie invoke (Allah, red) to destroy the (infidel). [Sahihh: Ahmad 3/137, al-Mu `jam as-Saghir and al-Bayhaqi in Dalaa'il an-nubuwwah and As-Sunan Al-Kubraa. See also: Irwaa 'Al-Ghalil (2/181)].

And 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood before lifting his hand as qunut.

2) Az-Zuhri reported, referring to the Prophet's Companions actions: "They were not raised his hands in Witr in the month of Ramadan."

3) Az-Zuhri narrated that Ibn Mas'ud first raised his hands in (the) Witr, and after it left his hand at his side.

Moses Abul-'Abbaas Musa ibn John Richardson (' Aziziyyah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia) said: Ibn Mas'ud that the appropriate action here, because he is a companion of the Prophet, and this act is tauqifi, limited by the argument, then he will not be doing a variety of things in prayer in his own, but he learned it from the Prophet (Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam). And Allaah knows best.

The sixth problem: Is prayer qunut and saying "Amiin" the congregation / jama 'ah carried out in a loud voice?

Considering there is no history that says that they used to be (friends) say "Amiin" imam behind them along qunut witr, then the arguments of the actions can be taken on qunut's best friend-naazilah (prayer to invoke the fight over the people (enemy, red) were performed on an obligatory prayer), because of their saying "Amiin" behind the Imam in prayer is the practice of (a) is conducted in the obligatory prayers. This has been fixed arguments made in the Maghrib prayer, which [is Maghrib prayer, red] that Witr obligatory, thus also allowed to do so in the prayer which is not obligatory, based on the principles described in the following rules:

"... Anything that has been assigned to qunut nazilah (conducted at the compulsory prayer) is also practiced in qunut the Witr prayer. This is supported by the practice of any obligation prescribed in practice is also prescribed in the Sunnah practice, unless there is a special proposition that prohibits it.

(1) As reported in the hadeeth hasan in Musnad Ahmad (2746), Abu Dawood (1443), Ibn Khuzaimah (618), al-Haakim (1/225), al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan as-Kubraa (2/200 ). And it has been agreed upon by al-Haakim, Ibn Khuzaimah, and al-Albaani (Irwaa 'al-Ghalil: 2/163).
[Coming from Ibn Abbas radliyallahu companions' anhu]
And Allaah knows best .
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
أستغفرك وأتوب إليك

Reading prayers Qunut

Al-Hasan bin Ali was taught by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when completion of the Witr prayer, that prayer: "Allahummah dinii fiiman hadaita, wa' aafinii fiiman 'aafaita, tawallanii fiiman tawallaita wa, wa baarik lii fiimaa a'thoita, waqinii syarro maa qodhoita, fainnaka taqdii yuqdhoo wa laa 'alaika, wainnahu man laa yadzillu waalaita, walaa ya'izzuman' aadaita, tabaarokta robbanaa wa ta'aa laita, Minka illa laa ilaika spoiled. "means:" O Allah, I tunjukkilah as You tunjuki people. Save me as people who give you salvation. shall love me as the one you love. bless me anything that you give. Save me from the evil of what Thou destined. Truly you are decisive and determining no self You. Truly despicable people will not be the one you love and not be hostile thou noble people. Glory to You our Lord and Most High. No safety from You except refuge in You. " (Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah 1/911 and Ibn Abi Syaibah)

Masyhur Shaikh said: "Prayer is not to be added as do most priests pray with" falakal hamdu `alaa wa maa qadlait astaghfiruka atuubu ilaik." The prayers to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the hadith Ubai Thabit bin Ka `ab lead the people in prayer in the time of Umar tarawih radliyallahu `anhu. Perbuataan including charities is salaf although atsar didlaifkan by Ibn Hajar. (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)

Thus the discussion tarawih and laws related to it. Hopefully useful and let us try to run it. Perfection belongs only to God.

Allaah `nature bisshawab.

Maraji ':
1. Shalatut Taraweeh, Shaykh Al-Albani Nashirudin
2. Qiyamul Lail, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
3. Tamamul Minah, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
4. Irwa'ul Ghalil, Sheikh Al-Albani Nashirudin
5. Shifatu Shalatin Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam, Shaikh
Nashirudin Al-Albani
6. Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin, Shaykh Hasan Salman Masyhur
7. Zadul Ma `ad, Imam Ibn Al-Jauziah Qayim
8. Al-Istidzkar, Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr
9. Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayid Sabiq
10. Bida `Ushulil Sciences, Shaikh Ali Hasan Abdul Hamid.

Ownership of Natural Resources .

Ownership of Natural Resources

In December 1968, an article titled "The Tragedy of Commons" by Garrett Hardin give new thought to the concept of natural resource management.
The article is delivered in this material.
The article presented a tragedy or a deterioration of quality and meaning of resources in the public domain, such as spaces along roads, rivers, lakes, green line, sea shore, meadow, and so on. No one alone have it (publicly owned) who is in need will take it without being responsible for managing, organize or arrange properly. Damage to natural resources due to lack of ownership, so that almost all people become 'free passengers' sense of belonging and who may use these resources. As a result, everyone benjadi cause damage to the resource.
Natural resources are available for common needs. Damage has implications for all human nature and other creatures. The article said that personal benefit can be harmful to others. Then who ensure that existing resources can benefit all? In the end we need a concept of "ownership" that is able to assign responsibility for the sustainability of the natural resources. Further questions, who should be responsible? Private or state? In any benefits that we get from the natural resources, there is a "price" we pay. But what about that can not afford? Who is subsidizing? These questions spawned the need for rules on access to natural resources, what can be done on these resources, as well as who should be involved?
As a basis for building a system of natural resource management, the natural resource is categorized into three state-owned property (state property), communal (communal property) and personal property (private property) (Usman, 2004:14). In the concept of state ownership, all natural resources are controlled by the government and regulated through rules and regulations issued based on authority owned. Communal property, natural resources are controlled by a particular ethnic group on the basis of
customary law prevailing in the society. In the category of private property, natural resources controlled by individuals or corporations. Reference formal control of natural resources in Indonesia, based on Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution despite the constitutional reference is inviting various interpretations and understandings. Implicit message of the Constitution is that.