Thursday, January 31, 2013

Taking Education (Need Foundation funds / Money)

What is imagined when you see a child go to school? Sure: money
school. And despite busy to attend school issue has long
passed, funding for education preparation nonetheless you should provide.
Do not get when it was time children enter school, your new shock
when you know the fund was not enough. There are three important factors that
You can be successful in preparing for the child's education fund.

1. Period
Duration is how long do you have to be able to
prepare for your children's education fund. Is 5 years? 10 years?
Or is it only 1 year? Do not forget, the longer the period of time
You have, usually the more light your burden.
A simple example, if children go to school about 10 years. He needed
money to go around school say USD 50 million that year.
Well, if you are saving from now, then the amount you
tube is usually not much. Different if you start saving
in year 5, or in year 7. There must be much larger.
If you do not prepare the funds at all, and just do it
in the final months before your child's school, weight wow.
That is, if you now have sufficient funds, it does not mean that
a guarantee that you will surely have sufficient funds as well
when your children go to school, because of the risk of what could happen in
Your trip later. Right?
There are only two things you can do: prepare from now, and if
You already have most of their funds are now separated only funds
education in a separate post. Remember, prepare for incoming funds
different schools to prepare funds to buy a car. If you buy
car, the fund is not enough, you can postpone the plan. But if
for school children, you have to rewind time cook go to school?

2. Investment Products
Most people opt for Insurance Education
preparing fund their children's education. There is also a pick
Education Savings. Education Insurance issued by the company
insurance, while the Education Savings issued by the Bank.
Alternative investment products other than gold. Sure, gold has properties that
different because of the advantages that you will get is worth the
can go up and down. In addition, the new benefit will be obtained when you
successfully sell your gold back. If not, yes profits have not
at hand. Still on paper.
Another alternative is quite a lot, such as stocks or mutual funds. The difference, in
stocks or mutual funds, you generally risk could be larger. And again,
most people also do not understand what it is about mutual funds.
In principle, all investment products that are likely to be
provide interest (such as savings or deposits) or the rise in value
(Such as stocks or mutual funds) can be used as an alternative investment
to prepare for the children's education fund. Of course, any product
investment has advantages and disadvantages of its own, as well as the risks
different. Importantly, trying to identify the product before it goes into
it. Do not you do not understand the product, but direct entry
into it. I could have your money runs out.

3. Protection
The third thing to consider is whether your investment product
have protection. That is, if something happens to you (like
death, accident, sickness and the like), then you investment products
can continue to provide results and profitable for you.
Especially for the money you are saving by taking
of income you get physically.
For example, you currently work with a salary of Rp 2 million per month. Of the total
are you taking about Rp 300 thousand per month for the saved.
But, when something happens to you, such as death, then there
chances are you can no longer work. By itself, the salary you
get well quit right? Then, where your partner can take
Rp 300 thousand per month regular savings?
At the point where you have protection. The meaning here is when the protection
something happens to you, then there will be a third party that will remain
'Menabung' the money of Rp 300 thousand was for you, so that automatic funds
for your child's education can be fixed later collected.
If you already have an investment product in preparation for education fund
child, and you menabungkannya of the monthly salary, you live
add a protection that can take from a company
insurance. But, if you do not have the investment product, there are no words
others, you have to set it up. And as an alternative, these products
such as education or education insurance savings is directly
has an element of protection in it. Congratulations to prepare funding
children's education.

7 ( seven ) aspect and the 45 (forty- five ) indicators regarding pedagogical mastery .Here are seven indicators and their pedagogical aspects

   Factor 7 (seven) aspects and the 45 (forty-five) indicators regarding pedagogical mastery. Here are seven indicators and their pedagogical aspects:

A. Mastering the characteristics of learners. Teacher is able to record and use information on the characteristics of learners to help the learning process. This characteristic is related to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, moral, cultural and social background:
     Teachers can learn to identify the characteristics of each learner in the class,
     Teachers ensure that all students have the same opportunity to actively participate in learning activities,
     Teachers can set up classes to provide equal learning opportunities to all students with disabilities and different learning abilities,
     Teachers try to find the cause of misbehaving students to prevent such behavior does not harm other students,
     Teachers help develop the potential and overcome the shortage of students,
     Teachers observe students with certain physical weaknesses in order to follow the activities of learning, so that learners are not marginalized (excluded, ribbed, Äêolok, insecure, etc.).

B. Dominate learning theories and principles of learning that educates Äêprinsip. Teachers were able to assign a variety of approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques creatively educating learning accordance with the standards of competence of teachers. Teachers are able to adjust teaching methods to suit the characteristics of learners and motivate them to learn:
     Teachers provide opportunities for students to master the age-appropriate learning materials and learning skills through the learning process and activity settings are varied,
     Teachers always make sure learners degree of understanding of the specific learning materials and adjust subsequent learning activities based on the level of understanding,
     Teachers can explain the reason for the implementation of the activity / activities done both appropriate and different to the plan, relevant learning success,
     Teachers use a variety of techniques to memotiviasi willingness of learners,
     Teachers plan learning activities that are interrelated to each other, taking into account the purpose of learning and the learning process of students,
     Teachers observe students' responses are not / do not understand the lessons being taught and used to improve the design of subsequent learning.

C. Curriculum development. Teachers able to prepare a syllabus in accordance with the most important goal of the curriculum and use the lesson plans in accordance with the objectives and the learning environment. Teachers are able to choose, prepare, and organize learning materials according to the needs of the students:
     Teachers can set syllabus in accordance with the curriculum,
     Teachers design lesson plans in accordance with the syllabus to discuss specific teaching materials so that learners can achieve basic competency specified,
     Teachers follow a sequence of learning materials with respect to the learning objectives,
     Teachers choose learning materials: (1) in accordance with the purpose of learning, (2) appropriate and up to date, (3) according to age and ability levels of learners, (4) can be implemented in the classroom, and (5) in the context of daily life , Äêhari learners.

D. Learning activities that educate. Teachers to develop and implement an educational lesson plan is complete. Teachers to implement learning activities that suit the needs of learners. Teachers to develop and use a variety of teaching materials and learning resources according to the characteristics of learners. If relevant, teachers utilize information and communications technology (ICT) for the sake of learning:
     Teachers implement learning activities in accordance with the design that has been developed completely and implementation of these activities indicates that teachers understand the purpose,
     Teachers implement instructional activities that aim to help the learning process of students, not to test so as to make the students feel depressed,
     Teachers communicate new information (eg additional material) according to age and ability levels of learners,
     Teachers address the mistakes made by the students as the stages of the learning process, not only, Äêmata mistakes to be corrected. For example: to know in advance the other students who agree / disagree with the answer, before giving an explanation of the correct answer yamg,
     Teachers implement learning activities appropriate curriculum content and linking them with real life context, Äêhari learners,
     Teacher learning activity varies with time for learning activities appropriate to the age and level of ability to learn and retain the attention of students,
     Teachers manage the class effectively without dominating or busy with their own activities so that all participants can be utilized time productively,
     Teachers capable audio, Äêvisual (including tick) to increase motivation of learners in achieving learning objectives. Customize learning activities designed to classroom conditions,
     Teachers provide many opportunities for students to ask questions, practice and interact with other learners,
     Teachers manage the implementation of a systematic instructional activities to help the learning process of students. Sebagaicontoh: teachers add new information after evaluating student understanding of the material before, and
     Teachers use teaching aids, and / or audio, Äêvisual (including tick) to enhance learning motivation pesertadidik in achieving the learning objectives.

E. Development of potential learners. Teachers are able to analyze the learning potential of each learner and identify potential development of students through a program that encourages students to actualize embelajaran academic potential, personality, and creativity until there is clear evidence that students actualize their potential:
     Teachers analyze the learning outcomes based on any form of assessment of each learner to determine their rate of progress, Äêmasing.
     Teachers design and implement learning activities that encourage learners to learn according to their learning skills and patterns, Äêmasing.
     Teachers design and implement instructional activities to bring creativity and critical thinking skills of students.
      Teachers actively assist learners in the learning process by giving attention to each individual.
     Teachers can identify correctly about the talents, interests, potential, and learning difficulties of each student.
     Teachers provide learning opportunities to students in accordance with their respective ways of learning.
     Teachers focus on the interaction with students and encourage them to understand and use the information presented.

F. Communication with learners. Teachers are able to communicate effectively, and empathetic manner with the students and be enthusiastic and positive. Teachers are able to provide complete and relevant responses to comments or questions learners:
     Teachers use questions to determine understanding and maintaining the participation of students, including providing open-ended questions that require students to respond with their ideas and knowledge.
     Teachers pay attention and listen to all the questions and responses of students, tanpamenginterupsi, except where necessary to assist or clarify questions / responses.
     Teachers respond to students' questions in a timely, correct, and current, appropriate learning objectives and curriculum content, without embarrassing.
     Teacher presents learning activities that can foster good cooperation antarpeserta students.
     Teachers listen and pay attention to all students answer both correctly and incorrectly considered to measure the level of understanding of learners.
     Teachers pay attention to the questions of students and respond in full danrelevan to eliminate confusion on the learner.

G. Assessment and Evaluation. Teachers to conduct learning outcomes assessment process and on an ongoing basis. Teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of the process and learning outcomes and use the results of assessment and evaluation information for designing remedial and enrichment programs. Teachers are able to use the results of the analysis of assessment in the learning process:
     Teachers formulate appropriate assessment tools with the goal of learning to achieve specific competencies as written in the RPP.
     Teachers carry out assessments with various techniques and types of assessment, in addition to formal assessment conducted schools, and announce the results and implications for the students, about the level of understanding of the material that has been and will be studied.
     Teachers analyze assessment results to identify topics / basic competencies difficult that know their strengths and weaknesses, Äêmasing learners for both remedial and enrichment.
     Teachers utilize input from learners and to reflect further enhance learning, and can prove it through the records, learning journals, learning design, additional material, and so on.
     Teachers take advantage of the assessment as a learning process of drafting to do next.

Power of Faith and Prayer

Maasyiral Muslims rakhimakumullah! !
In a history, amirul believers Umar bin Khattab ra, said, "When the first ten verses of Sura Al-Mukminun down, the Messenger of Allah. Raised his hands to heaven as he prayed, 'O God, and do not reduce our tambahilah us, glorified us and Do not despise us, give us and do not hinder us, our priority and not the other priority ahead of us, and so we were pleased to make thee and thou pleased with us. ' After that, he was facing his companions and said, 'God has lowered ten verses, anyone who labor with God will put it into high heaven paradise'. "
Ten verse is: "Verily fortunately those who believe, (that) people in salatnya humility, and those who shy away from (actions and words) are not useful, and the people who give charity, and those who keep his cock, except for their wives or slaves at their disposal; then surely they are not blameworthy in this regard. looking Whoever's behind it, then they are the transgressors., and the people which maintains mandates (sorrows) and its promise, and the people who keep salatnya. they are the ones who will inherit, (that) will inherit paradise of Eden. they will abide therein. "
And, let us briefly explore the verse along with the owners of the faith which God has promised success, goodness, and success. They are the ones who win, luck, and happiness. They are people who believe in God, angels, books, messengers, the Last Day and qadha and Qadr both good and bad.
One day, the Messenger of Allah. into a set of friends, and he asked them, "Are you a believer?" Umar replied, "Yes, we are believers Messenger of Allah." Then he asked, "Did you guys sign faith?" Umar replied, "We have waited upon trial, qadha pleased with and thankful for living space. Then the Messenger of Allah. Said," You are a man of faith. For owners of the Ka'ba, faith is patience, gratitude and pleasure. "
In a Hadith Qudsi Allah wa Ta'ala Tabaraka said, "When I examine my servant to property or the child or his soul, then he received with good patience, then on the day I was ashamed of him to give him the scale or spread the court, then I'll put it Janah without reckoning. izah For me and my greatness I will not issue a servant of the world and I love love, so that I will fulfill all the bad things he has done with the disease in the body or the narrowness of fortune or misfortune of property or children though ugliness for seeds of atoms. ugliness If it remains, it will harden sakratul I met her death that she was like the day of my mother when she was born. "
Maybe we still remember with a calf Urwah bin Zubeir hit a sharp sword, and the doctors told him, "There is no way to treat, except with the cut," Then what shall be done Urwah? He was dealing with the provisions of Allah and there is no way to avoid it, but only with patience.
The physician then suggested that Urwah use something that can relieve pain when legs cut off, but what Urwah answer? He said, "By Allah, I will not use anything that hinders my wits Tabaraka remembrance of Allah Almighty. Urwah and said to the doctor," If I had been running in the prayers later I sat down to read the conditions and bertasyahud, cut calves because at that time I was actually in the presence of God, nothing in my heart except Allah wa Ta'ala Tabaraka. Urwah then perform salat and salatnya are examples of special. "
Imam Hatim al-Asim one day asked, "How is your condition when you perform prayer, O Hatim?" He replied, "When I perform salat, I made a shrine in front of me, death belakanku, ash-shirath under two soles of my feet, jannah on my right, Hell was next to my left and I felt God was watching me, then I perfected bowing and prostration , then when I had to say hello I do not know whether God will accept or reject it. "
In one story, a woman come to see Moses as and said, "I have committed great sins, then is there any remorse door for me?" Moses then asked, "What sins, O servant of Allah?" He replied, "I have committed adultery and gave birth to a son, then I will kill him." Moses said, "Get thee from me, I fear the Wrath of Allah is going to happen Lantara sins. Then, the woman left Moses with crying and miserable conditions. Upon her exit, down through Gabriel revealed to Moses:" O Moses, Allah Ta ' ala say unto you, 'Do you reject it, when he wants to repent? Do you not know that sin is greater than that '? "Moses asked," Is it a sin greater than that? "He replied," The person who left the prayer deliberately. "
In the middle we have a Muslim who does not enter the mosque, but on the big day, the month of Ramadan or Friday. In fact, there are Muslims who during his life was never mrmasuki mosque, except once, when he will be buried. He entered the mosque and not to pray, but to disalatkan.
Allah then says which means, "(Namely) those whose humility in salatnya." The purpose of this paragraph is a prayer as they entered the man put clothes into his body. When the clothes will protect the wearer from heat and cold, prayers will protect the owners of doom Hell. Humility is the coming of the heart and calm the body's members. Aisha r.a. said, "It is the Messenger of Allah. told us and we told him, he said to us and we told him. When it is time for prayer, though he did not recognize us and we did not recognize it. That humility, O servant of Allah."
Let us return to the story of 'Urwah above. The doctors said to him, "How are we going to cut limbs O Urwah?" He replied, "When I started praying." Salatlah Urwah and she spread her legs, she was in a state sat reading tasyahud, and after his two greetings, he asked his condition, "Have you finished cutting? ' They replied, "Yes." They then took Urwah to his house while blood still dripping from his calf. Arriving at the house, Urwah and called her children, but that it comes only one. Then, he asked, "What happened?" They answered , "May Allah reward rearing O Urwah, a great son died." Then, Urwah asked, "What happened?" Behold the power of faith, how he makes the magic, bring miracles and move mountains. Urwah said, "Is he slapped cheek , ripped pocket, calling the appeal of ignorance, or said with a remark that led to Allah Almighty angry with him? "
Betis in front of him yet anyway shrouded and buried, the blood is still flowing, but what he said? He faces God, and said, "O Sun, thou hast given me sustenance two children and now you have taken one of them and leave one. Then, praise be to You for what you have taken, and all thanks to you for what that you leave. thou hast given me two calves, one Thou hast thou taken and one leaving. then, praise be to you for what you take and all thanks to you for what you leave. Later, he took the calf which had been cut off and stared. ' Then, he said, "Praise be to God, I did not have to walk with you to the wrath of God."
This faith is submission to Allah Almighty. This is what our prophet taught us to be patient against disaster, be patient when it gets difficult. We desperately need to follow the example of the Prophet. and his companions as they are exemplary. Tabaraka righteous God Almighty with his words, "Verily in them (Abraham and his people) there is a good role model for you, (that is) for those who expect (the reward of) Allah and (safety on) days later. And those who turn away , Allah, He is the Most Rich, worthy of praise. "
O Allah, we put their trust kepadamulah. Kepadamulah us again, and thou art the place again. O God, thou shalt not make us slander upon the infidels, have mercy on us, Thou art the Mighty, Wise Again. Allaah knows best.

Metode Tafsir dalam Islam

Metode Tafsir dalam Islam
Secara umum ada dua metode tafsir dalam Islam. Pertama, tafsir bir riwayah dan kedua tafsir bir ra'yi. Kita akan bahas satu persatu.

1.Tafsir bir riwayah

Maksudnya adalah tafsir yang dalam memahami kandungan ayat al-Qur'an lebih menitikberatkan pada ayat al-Qur'an dan riwayat hadis. Isi tafsir dengan metode ini penuh dengan riwayat hadis dan jarang sekali pengarang tafsir tsb menaruh pemikirannya. Tafsir at-Thabari misalnya dianggap mewakili corak poenafsiran model ini.

Yang paling baik dari tafsir jenis ini adalah mufassir yang menggunakan ayat qur'an untuk menafsirkan ayat Qur'an yang lain. Atau dalam ungkapan bahasa arab disebut "Al-Qur'an yufassiruhu ba'dhuhu ba'dhan" (al-Qur'an itu menafsirkan sebagian ayatnya dengan sebagian ayat yang lain).

Dari model tafsir bir riwayat dikelompokkan lagi dua macam bentuk penafsirannya:

a. tafsir at-tahlili, artinya mufassir (ahli tafsir) memulai kitab tafsirnya dari al-Fatihah sampai surat an-nas. Ia uraikan tafsirnya menurut urutan surat dalam al-Qur'an. Semua kitab tafsir klasik mengikuti model ini.

b. Tafsir maudhu'i (tematis), artinya mufassir tidak memulai dari surat pertama sampai surat ke-114, melainkan memilih satu tema dalam al-Qur'an untuk kemudian menghimpun seluruh ayat Qur'an yang berkaitan dengan tema tersebut baru kemudian ditafsirkan untuk menjelaskan makna tema tersebut. Ambil contoh, kita ingin tahu apa makna Islam dalam al-Qur'an. Maka kita himpun semua ayat yang berisikan kata Islam (dan segala derivasinya) lalu kita tafsirkan. Jadi, tafsir model ini bersifat tematis. Konon metode seperti ini dimulai oleh Muhammad al-Biqa'i. Dari kalangan Syi'ah yang menganjurkan metode model ini adalah Muhammad Baqir as-Shadr. Pak Quraish Shihab adalah ahli tafsir Indonesia yang pertama kali memperkenalkan metode ini dalam tulisan-tulisannya di tanah air. Bukunya Wawasan al-Qur'an berisikan tema-tema penting dalam al-Qur'an yg dibahas dengan metode maudhu'i ini.

2.Tafsir bir ra'yi.

Dari namanya saja terlihat jelas bahwa tafsir model ini kebalikan dengan tafsir bir riwayah. Ia lebih menitikberatkan pada pemahaman akal (ra'yu) dalam memahami kandungan nash. Tetap saja ia memakai ayat dan hadis namun porsinya lebih pada akal. Contoh tafsir model ini adalah Tafsir al-kasysyaf karya Zamakhsyari dari kalangan Mu'tazilah, tafsir Fakh ar-Razi, Tafsir al-Manar. de el el

Kalau mau dipilah lagi maka tafsir model ini bisa dibagi kedalam:

a. tafsir bil 'ilmi (seperti menafsirkan fenemona alam dengan kemudian merujuk ayat Qur'an)

b. tafsir falsafi (menggunakan pisau filsafat utk membedah ayat Qur'an)

b. Tafsir sastra. Lebih menekankan aspek sastra dari ayat al-Qur'an. Model tafsir ini pada masa sekarang dikembangkan oleh Aisyah Abdurrahman (dia perempuan lho) atau terkenal dengan nama Bintusy Syathi. Alhamdulillah karya Bintusy Syathi ini sudah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Sebagai catatan, untuk kajian modern sekarang, sesungguhnya penggolongan secara kaku dan ketat tafsir bir riwayah dan bir ra'yi itu tak lagi relevan. Seperti tafsir-nya Bintusy Syathi setelah saya simak ternyata penuh dengan kandungan ayat Qur'an untuk memahami ayat lain. Begitupula tafsir al-Manar, pada sebagian ayatnya terlihat keliberalan penulisnya tapi pada bagian ayat lain justru terlihat kekakuan penulisnya. Tafsir model maudhu'i (tematis) juga tak bisa secara kaku dianggap sebagai tafsir bir riwayah semata.

Lalu yang mana metode tafsir yang terbaik? Kitab tafsir mana yang paling baik?

Syeikh Abdullah Darraz berkata:"Al-Qur'an itu bagaikan intan berlian, dipandang dari sudut manapun tetap memancarkan cahaya. Kalau saja anda berikan kesempatan pada rekan anda untuk melihat kandungan ayat Qur'an boleh jadi ia akan melihat lebih banyak dari yang anda lihat."

ORDER SEQUENCES or shaf in the prayer in congregation

Rows of prayer was organized by the instructions the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, is not simply a place of prayer effectiveness approach. Because prayer is a form of worship ritual rules and provisions are not based solely on logic approach. But approaches a rite and the things that are sacred.

And the only reference that may be referenced in the rule of prayer is the practice prayer Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He is the bearer of the minutes of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta `ala and be an example to all problems. Especially in matters of rituals such as prayer in congregation.

He had given instructions on how the composition of the line in the prayer congregation. In essence, the position of the congregation praying in the back of her men. Not aligned especially in front of him. And the best is the most shaf woman behind. While the best of both rows of men is its leading part. In the middle between the rows of men and women is a line of children. But when the child was only one course, then he went into the rows of men.

~ Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam stipulate that rows of men in the front rows of children. And rows of children in the back rows of men. While the female rows behind rows of children. (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud)

~ From Abu Hurayrah radi anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"The best rows of men were at the front and at worst is the rear. The best of women is the most shaf back and at worst is the future. "(Narrated by Muslim Abu Dawud, Tirmizy, An-Nasai, Ibn Majah and Ahmad)

~ From Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari radi anhu,
"... He put the man in front of the children, while the children behind them, behind the children then those ladies (Narrated by Ahmad)

If there's only mosque entrance at the rear of it, then it can be made the way for women and even the walls can also be made to limit the entrance of the congregation of men, either by insulation or other barrier.

Each congregation who came to pray in congregation, it is forbidden to create new rows unless the rules are clear. Actually, to fill rows first prayer is right beside the priest, that if only one person makmumnya. Then when later comes another one, then he stood to the left of the first congregation and the priest moved forward, so it was standing right in front of them.

But if since the beginning of the many existing congregation, the first congregation was standing right behind the priest. The next time someone comes again, then a second congregation was standing to the right of the first congregation. And if there's a third, then the congregation was standing on the left side first.

If someone comes again, then stood on the right side and if there is a second congregation came again then stood to the left of the third congregation.

Rows of the best prayer is at the forefront. And the most important of the rows are in the middle or just behind the priest. Because of the middle rows that ranks began to be formed. Then on the right, then the left, then to the right again and then to the left again, and so on.
The farther away from the middle shows the backwardness of a person in the congregation joined the prayer.
For clarity, we only give the number of the congregation, according to the order of arrival as below for more details.

And when it started to pray, then each congregation who come, are obliged to create new rows in the order above and do not cut the line so it does not connect.

Pillars of Hajj ..

 A pilgrimage pillars are:

(1) ihram,
(2) Thowaf ifadhoh,
(3) sa'i,
(4) before staying at Arafat

If any one of these pillars is missing, the pilgrimage made illegal.
First Pillars: Ihram
The meaning of Ihram is the intention to enter into the rituals of Hajj. Who left this intention, his Hajj is invalid. The evidence is the statement of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"Surely every deeds depends on the intentions and every person will get what he intended." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 1 and Muslim no. 1907)
Mandatory ihram include:

     Ihram from miqot.
     Do not wear seamless underwear (which shows the curve of the body or limb). Men are not allowed to wear clothes, robes, coats, Imamat, headgear, khuf or shoes (unless not find khuf). Women are not allowed to wear niqob (face veil) and gloves.

Sunnah Ihram:

     Wearing perfume on the body.
     Cutting pubic hair, underarm hair, shortening the mustache, cutting the nails so in a state of ihram not have to clean those things, especially when it is forbidden ihram.
     Wearing izar (sarong) and a rida '(cloth top) that clean white and wearing sandals. While women wear what she likes, not necessarily a particular color, as long as it does not resemble the clothing of men and not cause a scandal.
     Intend Ihram after prayers.
     Increase the Talbiyah reading.

Saying the intention of Hajj or Umrah or both, should be done after the prayer, after intending to rituals. But if the intention when it was riding the vehicle, then it may well before reaching miqot. If you have not yet intend to miqot however, is to be considered has passed without berihram miqot.
Lafazh Talbiyah:
"Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Syariika laka Labbaik Labbaik laa. Innalhamda wan ni'mata, laka wal mulk, laa syariika lacquer ". (I answered the call of thy God, I am answering Your call, I answer Your call, no partner for Thee, Thee I answered the call. Verily all praise, the pleasure and power are only yours, no partner for Thee ). When bertalbiyah, disunnahkan man raised his voice.
Pillars of the second: Standing at Arafat
Standing at Arafat is the most important pillar of Hajj. Who escaped before staying in Arafah, his Hajj is invalid. Ibn Rushd said: "The scholars agreed that before staying at Arafat was part of the pillars of Hajj and who escaped, then there must be a substitute pilgrimage (in the other)." Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Hajj is Arafah before staying." (Narrated by An Nasai no. 3016, Tirmidhi no. 889, Ibn Majah no. 3015. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh).
The definition wukuf are present and are in the area anywhere in Arafah, even in sleep, unconscious, driving, sitting, lying down or walking, is also good in a state of holy or unholy (such as menstruation, childbirth or junub) (Fiqh Sunnah, 1 : 494). The time before staying at Arafat is said to be the start time of sun slips (zawal time) on the day of Arafah (9 Hijjah) until the dawn of time Shubuh (entry Shubuh time) on the day of Nahr (10 Dzulhijjah). If someone other than the time before staying at Arafat, the unauthorized wukufnya by consensus of the scholars (Al Mawsu'ah Al fiqhiyah, 17: 49-50).
If someone before staying at any time from the time before, either in part day or night, then that's enough. But if he wukuf during the day, it shall before staying until the sun had sunk. If he wukuf at night, he does not have any obligation. Imam Shafi'i Madzab found until the night before staying at Arafat is the Sunnah (Sunnah Fiqh, 1: 494).
Sabiq Sayid says, "Up to Jabal Rahmah and believe before staying there afdhol (more important), it's wrong, that's not including the teachings of Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam-." (Fiqh Sunnah, 1: 495)
Three pillars: Thowaf Ifadhoh (Thowaf Ziyaroh)
Thowaf is circling the Kaaba seven times. The evidence is the word of Allah, the Exalted,
"And let them do do tawaf around the old house (Baitullah)." (Surat al-Hajj: 29)
Terms Thowaf:

     Intend when Thowaf.
     Saints of hadats (in the opinion of the majority of scholars).
     Closing genitals because it Thowaf like prayer.
     Thowaf done in the mosque even though much of the Kaaba.
     Kaaba is located to the left of the berthowaf.
     Thowaf carried seven times round.
     Thowaf done in a row without any lapse if there is no intent.
     Starting Thowaf of the Black Stone.

Sunnah-sunnah when Thowaf, namely:

     When you start the first round to say, "Bismillah, wallahu akbar. Allahumma iimaanan bika, wa bi tashdiiqon kitaabika, wa wafaa's bi'ahdika, wat tibaa'an li sunnati nabiyyika Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam'. And each round bertakbir when it meets Black Stone bertakbir "Allahu akbar".
     Facing the Black Stone when starting Thowaf and raised his hands while bertakbir when facing the Black Stone.
     Starting Thowaf from close to the Black Stone from the pillars of Yamani. Starting Thowaf of the Black Stone was mandatory. But start with the whole body of the Black Stone is not mandatory.
     Istilam (rubbing) and kiss the Black Stone when starting Thowaf and on each round. How istilam is putting hands on the Black Stone and put his mouth on her hand and kissed it.
     Roml, ie walking quickly with short legs move. This Roml disunnahkan for men, not for women. Roml done when Thowaf qudum (arrival) or Thowaf umra first three rounds.
     Idh-tibaa ', which opens the right shoulder. This is done on Thowaf qudum (arrival) or Thowaf Umrah and performed by men only, no women.
     Istilam (rubbed) pillars Yamani. Pillars Yamani not need to kiss and do not need to bow down before him. The addition to the Black Stone and Pillars Yamani, then rubbed disunnahkan for.
     Pray at the Black Stone and Pillars Yamani. From 'Abdullah bin As Saaib, he said, "I heard the Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said between two pillars: Robbanaa aatina hasanah fid dunya wa fil aakhirooti hasanah, wa qinaa 'adzaban naar (Our Lord, Grant unto us a favor in the world and in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of hell). " (Narrated by Abu Dawud no. 1892. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadeeth saheeh)
     Walked over to the Kaaba for men and women away from the Kaaba.
     Keeping in view of the many things that neglect.
     Dhikr and prayed in siir (softly).
     Read the Qur'an when Thowaf without his voice.
     Beriltizam on Multazam. This was done in order to imitate the Prophet shallalahu 'alaihi wa sallam where he beriltizam by sticking his chest and right cheek, then did his arms and hands stretched to the wall. This is all in order to humble himself to the owner of the house ie Allah Ta'ala. Multazam also among the places of prayer terkabulnya a degree hasan hadeeth. As Shaykh said Sadlan (Taisirul Fiqh, 347-348), "Pray in Multazam disunnahkan after Thowaf and Multazam located between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba."
     Raka'at after praying two Thowaf behind maqom Ibrahim. When it after reading Al Fatiha in the first raka'at, disunnahkan read surat Al infidels and second cycles, disunnahkan reading the Al Ikhlas. When praying, the shoulder is no longer in a state of IDH-tibaa '.
     Drinking zam-zam water and poured it over his head after praying two raka'at after Thowaf.
     Black Stone back rub before heading to sa'i.


     Syafi'iyah cleric said, "If the IDH-tibaa 'and roml do when Thowaf sa'i qudum then after that, the IDH-tibaa' and roml not need to be repeated again in Thowaf ifadhoh. But if sa'i (hajj) to Thowaf ifadhoh diakhirkan, then disunnahkan do IDH-tibaa 'and roml when it (Fiqh Sunnah, 1: 480).
     There is no remembrance or prayer readings given for each round when Thowaf. Some pilgrims suggest so, but there is no supporting arguments in this regard, and often burdensome.

Four pillars: Sa'i
Sa'i is running between Shofa and Marwah in order to worship. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Do sa'i because God requires for you to do." (Narrated by Ahmad 6: 421. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that the hadith is hasan).
Terms sa'i:

     Threaded between Thowaf and sa'i.
     Do row between each round. But if there is a short waiting time between rounds, it does not matter, especially if it is really needed.
     Perfecting up to seven times round.
     Performed after a saheeh Thowaf.

Sunnah-sunnah sa'i:

     When approaching Shofa, saying, "Innash shofaa wal Marwata sya'airillah min. Abda-u-Allahu bimaa badaa more. "
     Stop for a moment in between Safa to pray. Facing the Qiblah, then said, "Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Laa laa ilaha illallah wahdahu syarika lah, lahul mulku hamdu wa huwa lahul wa 'ala Kulli syai-in qodiir. Laa ilaha illallahu wahdah, shodaqo wa'dah nashoro wa 'wa abdah hazamal ahzaaba wahdah. "When in Marwah doing the same thing.
     Darted between two green lights for men capable.
     Pray the prayer of anything in any round, without devoted to prayer, dhikr or a particular reading.
     Successive sa'i done after Thowaf, is not done with the lapse of time unless there is a justifiable excuse.

How to Register Internet Package Smartfren 2013

How to Register Internet Package Smartfren 2013
How Smartfren Internet Package List 2013
Daily, Monthly and Weekly - This time lanoblog want to discuss how to How to Register Internet packages and following Smartfren New Ways Smartfren Internet Package List 2013:
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Adsense list directly through a third-party list

Hard at-approved list directly Adsense
Sign up through a third party. One third parties (third party) that can be used to sign up for Google Adsense is Docstoc is a document or file storage service (file) online are also willing to share revenue with its members either through Adsense or through direct sales document if the user follows doccash program.

Docstoc 1.Daftar Create an Account
Docstoc 2.Lengkapi Profile Data
3.Cara Upload File Upload to Docstoc
4.Daftar Adsense account via Docstoc DocCash
5.Cara Put Adsense code on Docstoc
6.Sistem Docstoc Adsense Revenue Sharing
Docstoc 7.Format Received Files


What to do first is to make Docstoc account.

2.Click Register (top right)
3.Isi username, password, email
4.Kasih tick the "Docstoc agree to the Terms and Conditions"
5.Isi verification code and click Complete Registration.


1. Login / login to
2. Visit this link: / login / UpdateProfile.aspx
3. Please complete your profile data. Keep up to 100%.

See examples Docstoc profile that is 100% here!


1.Masuk/login to
2.Click Upload -> Share Documents -> click Select Files ->
3.Pilih files on your computer to upload (Tip: You can upload more than one file at a time. Trick, highlight the entire file or click the file and press CTRL)
4.Beri title of the document on the "Title" and choose the category in the Category.
5.Klik Save and Publish.

At least you upload / upload 5 files before listing Adsense. Ideally 10 files.


After the upload / upload files of at least 5 to 10, it was time list of Google Adsense via Docstoc

2.Kunjungi link: / doccash / join
3.Beri tick the "I'd like to set up an AdSense account"
4.Pada Email Address, enter the email that will be made to list the Adsense or click "Use my email Docstoc" if want to use email on the list Docstoc.
Submit 5.Klik.
6.Cek email from Adsense entitled "Google AdSense Access Verification for"
7.Klik the link in the email -> You will be taken to the registration form Adsense.
8.Isi form and tick mark approval.
9.Pilih Agree to give access to Docstoc.

Once the list is complete Adsense, there will be the words "Welcome to Google Adsense". It marks your Adsense registration approved (approved) for phase 1. There is still a 2 stage approval process takes 1 to 3 days.

At this time, you can already log / log into / adsense using the username and password created Gmail email list.

If registration via Docstoc Adsense has been received, it will automatically be attached to your Adsense code in any file that you upload documents / upload on Docstoc. So, you do not need to bother looking for a way to install the Adsense code on Docstoc.
Since applying the results to Docstoc, then the documents uploaded will perform 2 (two) Adsense ads. Ads are the property Docstoc being the bottom that the user belongs to you. See a live example here.


50:50 sharing system between you and your Docstoc of income (earnings) Adsense Adsense for revenue derived from the files / documents that we upload on Docstoc.
The Adsense code installed on your site to another, the results are purely for you. Docstoc did not inherit anything.


The format of the file / files that can be uploaded to Docstoc is as follows: PDF, Word files (. DOC and. DOCX), Spreadsheets (. XLS and. XLSX), Presentations (. PPT and. Pptx), text files (. TXT and. RTF).

Unlock Modem ZTE MF626, MF627, MF628

Unlock Modem ZTE Versi.MF626, MF627, MF628
There are various types of modem that lock by provider. Here are some types of modems that can be done unlock process ourself :

ZTE MF626 (bundling with Indosat)
1.Download MF626 Update Tool
2.Simcard out of the modem- Keluarkan kartu GSM simcard.
3.Uninstall the connection manager application from indosat.
4.Run MF626 Update Tool software until finish. jalankan update instalasinya.
5.Disconnect modem from computer or laptop.
6.Input simcard (other Indosat) to the modem, then connect to computer or laptop
7.Reboot the computer or laptop
8.Good luck.
post script :
1.ZTE MF626 modem can be used on Windows 7.
2.Connection in order to run smoothly, you can use dashboard software from IM2. Cause if you use dashboard software from global it can be slow and often disconnect connection.
ZTE MF627 & MF628(Only For Older Version)
Modem ZTE MF627 can unlock with update the firmware. You can download here for the new firmware.
1.Firmware ZTE MF627
2.Firmware ZTE MF628
Source :
1.possum22 for Unlock Modem ZTE MF626
2.yaylol for unlock modem ZTE MF627 & 628
application, connect, disconnect, download, lock, mf626, mf627, mf628, modem, provider, simcard, software, tool, uninstall, unlock, update, windows, ZTE MF627,ZTE MF628,ZTE MF626,firmware.

how to put mp3 files to blog...

how to put mp3 files to blog ???

Tips include mp3 files into the blog, so you can still take tetep knowledge of this tutorial.
To put music into the blog we've actually become very easy .. remember now many websites that provide facilities / content to Internet users free widget .. You can just go kesitus provide mp3 free.
then you select the song that you like on the blog. once you find a song / msuik mp3 that you love then now you just copy the HTML code provided below the music / song .. and enter or paste it into your blog by way of:
go to "LAYOUT" your blog, and then select the "ADD GADGET / ADD A GADGET" and select another option "HTML / JAVASCRIPT" then enter HTML code that you copied and do not forget you press the "SAVE / SAVE" ..
've dech wis song can be listened to while goyang.monggo dipun aplikasiaken teng panjennegan.Suwun blog

Friday, January 18, 2013



Inililah jawaban dari seorang Guru  .................

Secara Islam,,segala do'a bentuknya sama, namun secara maqomat atau derajat,,pemahaman do'a yang dimaksud ada perbedaan yang mencolok antara masing-masing derajat..Juga dalam pandangan ahli Hikmah,,,do'a bagian dari kewajiban mereka dalam mengasah ketajaman bathinya. Dan secara pandangan ahlul Kitab, do'a bagian pengiring tujuan hidup untuk bisa di ijabah apa yang menjadi keinginannya.....Beda dalam pandangan ahli Thorekot atau hakikat, do'a bagian yang wajib ditinggalkan...Nah disini saya akan membahas satu persatu perjalanan do'a biar paham dan tidak menjadikan satu perdebatan diantara kita semua?............
Secara kitab Fikih do'a disebut sebagai lafad "Waiyyaka Nasta'in" memohon kepada Allah, itu wajib hukumnya, karena tanpa memohon kepada sang Pencipta alam semesta, bagian dari jauhnya hati kita dalam mengenal makna ibadah" dan golongan ini cara berdoa'nya dengan mengucapkan secara lisan. Seperti Contoh: "Ya Allah saya meminta rejeki-Mu sehingga hidupku menemui ke suksesan" dan lain sebagainya....Cara semacam ini disebut golongan awam (rendah) dan do'anya akan dikabul tapi dengan waktu yang sangat lama sekali.
Secara pandangan ahli Al Hikmah,,,Do'a bagian dari lafadz "Ud'uni astajib lakum" yang kurang lebih artinya; "Allah pasti mengabulkan do'a kita" Golongan ini cara berdo'anya melalui hati dan mulut..dan keumuman golongan mereka akan meminta apa yang ditujukannya setelah selesainya sholat atau berdzikir...Cara semacam ini disebut maqom awam/pemula. Dan do'a-do'a yang mereka panjatkan pasti di iajzabah oleh Allah, namun dengan waktu yang sangat lama (seperti maqom awal)
Secara pandangan ahli Thorekoh,,,do'a bagian dari lafadz "Kullun ya'mal Syakilatih" semua sudah ditempatkan masing-masing" mereka cara berdo'anya dengan memperbanya gerak dalam beribadah dan bukan dengan cara mulut. Golongan ini disebut do'a yang cepet di ijabah, kerena mereka lebih mengutamakan sifat ubudiyyahnya daripada selalu memohon (lebih banyak ditunjukkan sifat geraknya dalam beribadah dari pada mengucapkannya secara langsung)
Secara pandangan Ahlul Ma'rifat/hakikat...Do'a bagian dari lafadz "Kamilus sifat wal af'al/ Sempurnanya dengan menjaga adab dan tingkah laku. Mereka cara berdoanya dengan tingkah laku dan mereka paling takut berdo'a kepada Allah secara ucapan. Alasan mereka sangat takut dengan do'a? karena mereka orang yang paham akan hakikatnya Allah..dengan satu dalil "Bagaimana mungkin kita berani meminta kepada Allah, sedangkan Allah sendiri sudah sangat mengabulkan segala nikmat yang kita rasakan? betapa sungguh malunya kita bila sampai meminta sesuatu kepada-Nya?" Golongan ini sebelum do'a..Allah sudah mengabulkan terlebih dahulu karena kebersihan hatinya yang selalu dijaga"
 Kutipan dari seorang sohib