Friday, February 1, 2013



                                 EXTERNAL FACTOR AFFECTING LEARNING

Physical development of the child is the basis for subsequent developments. With
increasing development of the body, a good size weight and height and strength
allows children to develop physical skills and exploration
their environment without the help of parents and others in the vicinity.
The development of children during their development will be influenced by the
several factors are summarized in the two factors of internal factors and external factors.
Success or failure of a person to learn due to several factors that
affect the achievement of learning outcomes are derived from within the learner (factor
internal) and some are from outside the learner (external factors).
According Slameto1, external factors that affect learning, namely:
1. Family Factors
Family is an environment that consists of the people closest to the
child. Lots of time and opportunity for a child to meet and interact
with his family. Encounter and interaction is certainly a great effect
for a person's behavior and achievement. Conditions of harmony in the family can give
stimulus and a good response from the child so that the behavior and performance to be good.
Conversely, if the family is not harmonious or broken home will have a negative impact
student progress, behavior and achievement tend to be stunted, and will appear masalahmasalah
in behavior and prestasinya2. In a family environment factor that is necessary
note include:
a. Home atmosphere
Home atmosphere intended as circumstances or events that often occur in
in families where the children are and learn. The atmosphere is also a factor
important factors does not include intentional. So that children can learn well need
runah atmosphere created a calm and serene than children feel at home, kids
also can learn well.
b. Learning facilities
Economic condition of the family closely related to children's learning. Children who are
learning in addition to unmet basic needs ie food, clothing, shelter and
Health, also requires learning facilities such as classrooms, desks, chairs, lighting,
tulismenulis tools, books and others. Learning facilities that can only be fulfilled if
families have enough money. That way students will feel calm and comfortable as
all needs are met, so that students can concentrate in
1) Encouragement parents
Parents should be able to create the conditions for harmony in the family and give
encouragement to the students at the school or it could be an award given for achievement
gained students, as hyper students to learn in order to get the achievement
well in school.
2. School Factors
School is a vehicle berlangsunng educational activities and processes. In school
organized educational activities, learning and training. In school values ​​of ethics, morals,
mental, spiritual, behavior, discipline, knowledge and skills, and implanted
developed. Therefore, the school became the dominant vehicle for influence
formation of attitudes, behaviors and achievement of a student. School is an environment
structured education, have a good system and organization. If schools can
create relationships and good communication, using learning methods
active-interactive, provide a means of supporting learning, creating an atmosphere of order and
discipline, will be able to encourage students competed in the study, which is expected
can improve learning achievement siswa4. In a school environment factors that need to be
Guru is a human element in the process is absolutely necessary existence
learning. Teacher quality is an important factor in determining the quality of learning in
school. With scientific held, teachers can make their students into the
successful. Each teacher has their individual personality and personality is recognized
as an aspect that can not be excluded from the framework of teaching and learning success.
The influence of personality pattern of teacher leadership while performing duties in
classes. As follows:
1) How to teach teachers
How to teach teachers to be systematic and clear with variations in
delivery so it is easy to remember and understand the student. How to teach
teacher is the teacher in the delivery of course material in the process
learning in school.
2) Frequency of duty
The task is work to be done and done. Assignment
used to streamline the lessons given, demanding independence
students to learn and to know the understanding of the material.
3) The presence of the teacher
Teacher attendance is absolutely necessary therein. If only the students,
but the teacher is not there, then there will be no teaching and learning activities
4) The method of delivering teacher
The method of teaching is taknik delivery of content. In the delivery
materials, teacher tidah should fixate on one method alone, but instead must
using a variety of methods so that students do not get bored.
Learning Resources / Literature
Literature is a source of learning materials that are used to help
smooth learning. The lack of literature / reading materials in the quantity and quality
make a presentation of learning that is not good. Things to note in the source
literature, as follows:
1) The number of textbooks
Textbooks (grip) students held to improve learning outcomes
students. The availability of the required textbooks students can help students
understand the subject matter being taught. With ownership of textbooks
students can learn about a lot of things related to the subject matter.
The material of the students have not understood the teacher's explanation may be reassessed
in textbooks.
2) availability / completeness literature books
Availability / completeness of literature books to improve student learning outcomes.
In addition to textbooks owned by students, schools should also provide
other reading sources yan can broaden students' horizons and can
support student learning outcomes.
3) Ownership LKS / supporting books
By having worksheets can help students to understand the subject matter
taught, because students can work on the problems in the LKS means
students train themselves to master the material provided by the teacher.
c. Extracurricular activities
The participation of students in extracurricular activities is very good as a means
channeling the talents, knowledge and practice of development for the organization.
d. State (space) Class
The state of the class include:
1) The class
Classroom is a place where students learn. If the place is conducive learning
and a quiet place to study will allow students to concentrate.
2) Facilities and infrastructure class
Class facilities and infrastructure that will allow a student to complete the
Facilities and infrastructure incomplete lessons make presentation
lessons are not good, especially on subjects that are practical.
e. Curriculum
Curriculum is defined as the number of activities provided to students. Activity
It was mostly present learning materials that students receive, retain and
develop materials that lesson. Curriculum unfavorable effect is not well
to learn. It is important in the curriculum:
1) The degree of difficulty of material
Difficulty in learning is the inability of the student in understanding the material
lesson, it can stimulate the curiosity of students and make students
active in order to understand the lessons learned previously not
understand. 5 Difficulties in lessons in self-motivation will cause
students to be able to overcome such difficulties. Difficulty in learning
jugamerupakan a challenge for students to master the subject
and will have a good learning outcomes.
2) The composition of the subject matter
Teaching materials is a substance to be delivered in the activities
teaching and learning. A balanced composition of the subject matter would cause
easy for students to learn.
3) School Time
School time is the time of the teaching-learning process in schools. Time
it can be morning, afternoon, evening / night. Choosing the right school time will
a positive influence on learning.
4) Hours lessons
Choosing the right school hours will give a positive influence
Lessons are given in the morning is better because the physical conditions
still fit and your mind is still fresh, than in the afternoon or evening
his condition was tired / weak that it is difficult for students berkonsentrasi.6
f. School Discipline
1) Frequency of late entry
Form of misconduct that often occurs is too late present. Discipline of students
school appropriately demonstrated its readiness to follow
lesson. Students who are late to class will miss the material, not ready
receive materials having to adjust to and interfere with other friends.
2) Timeliness collect duties
Timeliness in collecting the assignment indicates that the student is
have a great motivation toward learning and the student has
good discipline.
3. Factors Society
Communities around the student greatly affect student learning. Communities
consists of people who are not educated and have good habits will
effect on students. Students will be keen to do as did the people
in the vicinity. Consequently impaired learning and even children will lose the passion for
study because the attention focused on the lesson moved to deeds
always made the people around him.
Conversely, if the children are the ones who are well educated,
educate them and send their children, excited by noble ideals will be the
front of the child, the child will also be affected as well to the things done by the people in
environment, so it will act like the people in the neighborhood. Influence
it can encourage students to learn more giat7. Such state of the environment,
infrastructure building, the atmosphere around the well will be good, and so on.
So is the state of the public also determine achievement. When in the vicinity
lived state of society consists of people who are educated, especially children
his high school average and moral good, this will encourage more active
According Dalyono 8faktor ekstenal factors that affect the achievement of learning outcomes
are as follows:
Family situation is very influential in the success of the child. Parental education, status
economy, home, relationships with parents and siblings, parental guidance, support
parents influence children's learning achievement.
Places, schools, quality of teachers, the classroom, school friends relationships, ratios
number of students per class, also affects children in the learning process.
If communities are educated people and good morals,
especially their children. It can be a trigger for a child to study harder.
4. Surroundings
Building a house, the atmosphere around, traffic and climate conditions can also
affect the achievement of learning objectives.
According Syah9 external factors that affect student learning, namely:
Social environmental factors
School social environment, such as teachers, administrators, and classmates can
affect a student's learning process. Well as between the third harmonic relationships can
a motivation for students to learn more baikdisekolah. Behavior sympathetic
and can be an example of a teacher or administration can be a driving force for
students to learn.
Massyarakat social environment. Environmental conditions of the area around the student
will affect student learning. Students a rundown neighborhood, many unemployed
and neglected children can also influence the activity belajarsiswa, most students
difficulties when friends need to learn, discuss, or borrow the tools to learn
dimilkinya who happened yet.
Family social environment. This environment greatly affects learning.
Tension family, parental characteristics, family demographics (the houses),
pengelolaankeluarga, everything has an impact on learning activities
Relationships anatara family member, parent, child, brother, or sister who
harmonic activity will help students learn.
Non-social environmental factors.
Natural environment, such as the condition of fresh air, not hot and not cold,
light is not too harsh / strong, or too weak / dark, cool atmosphere
dantenang. The natural environment mmerupakan factors that can
affect students' learning activities. Conversely, if the condition of the natural environment is not
support, student learning will be too late.
Instrumental factor, namely the learning that can be classified two kinds.
First, the hardware, such as school buildings, learning tools, learning facilities, field
exercise and so forth. Second, the software, such as the school curriculum, peraturanperaturan
school, bukupanduan, syllabus and so forth.
Factor the subject matter (which is taught to the students). This factor should be adjusted
with a developmental age of students as well as teachers' teaching denganmetode,
disesuaikandengan student growth conditions. Therefore, in order that teachers can
provide a positive contribution to the activity belajr students, the teacher should
mastering the subject matter and teaching methods that can be applied in accordance
with konsdisi students.
According to Merson U. Sangalang10 factors that affect student success
in achieving good learning outcomes are:
External factors, including:
Family environment factors
Social factors
Factors schools
Factors supporting facilities study
Theories of academic achievement above it can be concluded that the achievement of learning
been affected by external factors students .. External factors are factors that affect
learning achievement of students from outside the student. Especially the environment
According to Sartain is the environment (environment) is that all of the conditions in the
this world in a certain way affects our behavior, growth,
development or life processes except our genes and even genes can also
seen as preparing the environment (to provide environment) for other genes.
Our actual environment (which is really just the factors in the world around
we were not really affect us, Sartain environmental divide into 3 parts:
The natural environment / outside (external or physical environment), the natural environment / outside is
everything that exists in this world that is not human.
The environment (internal environment), Environment in is anything that is
including the external environment / nature. The food in our stomach is said to be
between the external and internal environment. Foods that are digested and absorbed into the
the blood vessels actually belong to the internal environment
Social environment / society (social environment). The social environment is all
person / people that influence us. The influence of social environment there that we
received directly was indirect. The direct effect of such relationships everyday.
Indirect such as radio, television, magazines. Our personality is
result of the interaction between genes and our social environment. Because of this it intersaksi tiaptiap
uniquely human, each person has their own personality different
each other
If we connect anatara carriage / descent (Heredity) and the environment in terms of
influence on human development, then: the properties and our character is the result
interaction between nature (Heredity) and our environment.


economy, home, relationships with parents and siblings, parental guidance,
parental support, greatly affects the learning achievement of children.
Of the many factors that must be considered, of course not 100% there is a situation that
can be done as a whole and perfect. But trying to fulfill
perfect as possible is not a factor that is impossible to do.

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