Friday, February 1, 2013

Qunut Witr exercised only by the middle or end of Ramadan half

Imam Malik found qunut Witr exercised only by the middle or end of the month of Ramadan and a half. It is also stated by Az-Zuhri, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad narrated by Abu Dawud brought arguments:
Umar Ibn al-Khattab radliyallahu `anhu collect (human) to Ubai bin Ka` ab, and he prayed with them at night to 20. He did not qunut except in the latter half month Ramadhan. (Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan 2/65)

Next is the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam qunut at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and a half ....

However, the argument that they have brought is dlaif from several sides:
First, the history of Umar there sanad inqitha '(broken sanad) that Al-Hasan from Umar, Al-Hasan was not met Umar. Second, the sanad history of Anas who narrated from him are Abul Atikah. He said dlaif as Ibn al-Jauziyahdi Qayim in Aunul Ma'bud: "Abu Atikah dlaif." Al-Bayhaqi also said: "No saheeh isnaad (see this page refer to Imam Malik Az-Zarqani Sharh of Al-Muwatha '1/216 and refer to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hani Masail 1/100 no. 500. Similarly Shaikh information Salman Hasan and his famous saying: "Yes, qunut Witr in mid end Ramadhan has special circumstances described by atsar contained in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah 2/155-156 with a saheeh isnaad., however qunut Witr is not specified and limited time this, but he syariatkan throughout the year (Al-Mubin thing Qaulul 133-134). Similarly stated by Syed Sabiq in Fiqhus Sunnah 1/165 and others. Shaikh Masyhur therefore incorporate the above opinion as errors.

Regarding qunut place, there are some opinions that:
First, after ruku `, as the opinion of Imam As-Shafi'i and Ahmad Secondly, before ruku 'in the opinion of the Third Imam Malik, may after bowing before ruku` and, according to one opinion of Imam Malik. (See Al-Istidzkar 6/201)

In deviation of this kind, then we return to the authentic texts of the hadith Ubai radliyallahu bin Ka `ab` anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam rakats Witr qunut on and put it before bowing. '" (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 12/41/1, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i in Sunan Al-Kubra 218/1-2, Ahmad, At-Thabrani, and Ibn al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh isnaad Asakir. Such assessments Shaykh Albani).

This hadeeth supports a second opinion.

Masyhur Shaikh said: "Witr Qunut placed before ruku` while qunut nazilah after ruku `. Unless otherwise occur nazilah (crunch) among the Muslims, as narrated in Ibn Khuzaimah atsar (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)

Then tatacaranya is, as has been said by Sayid Sabiq: "If qunut after ruku`, with a raised hand and Takbir after qunut. Such narrated from some Companions. Menyunahkannya Some scholars and others do not. " (Fiqhus Sunnah 1/166)

The problem rubbing his hands to the face after qunut Imam Al-Bayhaqi said: "It was not major enough to do and what was done by the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam, which raised his hand without wiped away. "

Al-`Izz bin Abdis Salam said:" It is not rubbing his hands to the face after prayer qunut except the stupid / ignorant. " (Al-Fatawa things. 47).

Hence Shaykh Masyhur put it into error in his prayers in the holy Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin (clear information about the fault of the people who pray) p 133.

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