Imam Malik found qunut Witr exercised only by the middle or end of the month of Ramadan and a half. It is also stated by Az-Zuhri, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad narrated by Abu Dawud brought arguments:
Umar Ibn al-Khattab radliyallahu `anhu collect (human) to Ubai bin Ka` ab, and he prayed with them at night to 20. He did not qunut except in the latter half month Ramadhan. (Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan 2/65)
Next is the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam qunut at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan and a half ....
However, the argument that they have brought is dlaif from several sides:
First, the history of Umar there sanad inqitha '(broken sanad) that Al-Hasan from Umar, Al-Hasan was not met Umar. Second, the sanad history of Anas who narrated from him are Abul Atikah. He said dlaif as Ibn al-Jauziyahdi Qayim in Aunul Ma'bud: "Abu Atikah dlaif." Al-Bayhaqi also said: "No saheeh isnaad (see this page refer to Imam Malik Az-Zarqani Sharh of Al-Muwatha '1/216 and refer to Imam Ahmad Ibn Hani Masail 1/100 no. 500. Similarly Shaikh information Salman Hasan and his famous saying: "Yes, qunut Witr in mid end Ramadhan has special circumstances described by atsar contained in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah 2/155-156 with a saheeh isnaad., however qunut Witr is not specified and limited time this, but he syariatkan throughout the year (Al-Mubin thing Qaulul 133-134). Similarly stated by Syed Sabiq in Fiqhus Sunnah 1/165 and others. Shaikh Masyhur therefore incorporate the above opinion as errors.
Regarding qunut place, there are some opinions that:
First, after ruku `, as the opinion of Imam As-Shafi'i and Ahmad Secondly, before ruku 'in the opinion of the Third Imam Malik, may after bowing before ruku` and, according to one opinion of Imam Malik. (See Al-Istidzkar 6/201)
In deviation of this kind, then we return to the authentic texts of the hadith Ubai radliyallahu bin Ka `ab` anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam rakats Witr qunut on and put it before bowing. '" (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 12/41/1, Abu Dawud, An-Nasa'i in Sunan Al-Kubra 218/1-2, Ahmad, At-Thabrani, and Ibn al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh isnaad Asakir. Such assessments Shaykh Albani).
This hadeeth supports a second opinion.
Masyhur Shaikh said: "Witr Qunut placed before ruku` while qunut nazilah after ruku `. Unless otherwise occur nazilah (crunch) among the Muslims, as narrated in Ibn Khuzaimah atsar (Al-Mubin Qaulul things. 134)
Then tatacaranya is, as has been said by Sayid Sabiq: "If qunut after ruku`, with a raised hand and Takbir after qunut. Such narrated from some Companions. Menyunahkannya Some scholars and others do not. " (Fiqhus Sunnah 1/166)
The problem rubbing his hands to the face after qunut Imam Al-Bayhaqi said: "It was not major enough to do and what was done by the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam, which raised his hand without wiped away. "
Al-`Izz bin Abdis Salam said:" It is not rubbing his hands to the face after prayer qunut except the stupid / ignorant. " (Al-Fatawa things. 47).
Hence Shaykh Masyhur put it into error in his prayers in the holy Al-Mubin fi Akhta'il Qaulul Mushalin (clear information about the fault of the people who pray) p 133.
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