Above have described disyariatkannya tarawih prayers in congregation because of
the setting, action and advocacy Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam. Now how
exactly the amount of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu society `alaihi wa
sallam perform. In this issue there are two hadith that explains :
1. Of Abi Salamah bin Abdurrahman that he asked Aisha radliyallahu `anha:" What prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan?" He replied: "It is the Prophet sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam add (cycles of prayer) in the month of Ramadhan nor in any other eleven melebhi raka'at. Raka'at He prayed four and do not ask how nice and long, and he prayed three raka 'at. " (Bukhari 2/25, 4/205. Muslims 2/16 Abu Uwamah 2/327 Al-Bayhaqi 2/495 - 496 and Ahmad 6/36, 37, 104)
2. From Jabir bin Abdullah radliyallahu `anhu said:" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed with us in Ramadhan eight raka'at and he berwitir. Following night When we gather in mosques and hope he came out (to the mosque). Apparently he does not go arrive until the morning. then we came in and said: "O Messenger of us gathered at the mosque last night and we hope you pray with us." Then he said: "I am concerned about the obligatory upon you."
In the history of Ibn Khuzaimah, Muslims and others who say that prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in Ramadhan and much more at night is 13 raka'at, including her two cycles dawn. However, there is a hadith narrated by Imam Malik 1/142 and Bukhari 3/35 and others from Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" The Prophet used to pray 13 raka'at night. " Then he prayed two light cycles (short) when the dawn call to prayer heard.
Al-Hafidh compromising history (13 cycles) with a previous history (11 cycles), he said: "This hadith Dhahir menyelisihi has passed, then it might be possible that the (excess) two cycles (in which 13 cycles) earlier is sunnah ba` da Isha. "That's because the prayer was held in the home or as an opening night prayers, because it has been Thabit (fixed) in the history of Muslim that the Prophet opened with two cycles of prayer Lail light / short."
Shaikh Al-Albani said: "This is what rajih think, because history shows specificity Abi Salamah / pengharusan at 11 cycles, which is 4 cycles, 4 cycles then 2 cycles. This shows not conflict with a concise history of two cycles."
1. Of Abi Salamah bin Abdurrahman that he asked Aisha radliyallahu `anha:" What prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan?" He replied: "It is the Prophet sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam add (cycles of prayer) in the month of Ramadhan nor in any other eleven melebhi raka'at. Raka'at He prayed four and do not ask how nice and long, and he prayed three raka 'at. " (Bukhari 2/25, 4/205. Muslims 2/16 Abu Uwamah 2/327 Al-Bayhaqi 2/495 - 496 and Ahmad 6/36, 37, 104)
2. From Jabir bin Abdullah radliyallahu `anhu said:" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam prayed with us in Ramadhan eight raka'at and he berwitir. Following night When we gather in mosques and hope he came out (to the mosque). Apparently he does not go arrive until the morning. then we came in and said: "O Messenger of us gathered at the mosque last night and we hope you pray with us." Then he said: "I am concerned about the obligatory upon you."
In the history of Ibn Khuzaimah, Muslims and others who say that prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in Ramadhan and much more at night is 13 raka'at, including her two cycles dawn. However, there is a hadith narrated by Imam Malik 1/142 and Bukhari 3/35 and others from Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" The Prophet used to pray 13 raka'at night. " Then he prayed two light cycles (short) when the dawn call to prayer heard.
Al-Hafidh compromising history (13 cycles) with a previous history (11 cycles), he said: "This hadith Dhahir menyelisihi has passed, then it might be possible that the (excess) two cycles (in which 13 cycles) earlier is sunnah ba` da Isha. "That's because the prayer was held in the home or as an opening night prayers, because it has been Thabit (fixed) in the history of Muslim that the Prophet opened with two cycles of prayer Lail light / short."
Shaikh Al-Albani said: "This is what rajih think, because history shows specificity Abi Salamah / pengharusan at 11 cycles, which is 4 cycles, 4 cycles then 2 cycles. This shows not conflict with a concise history of two cycles."
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