No doubt that tarawih prayers with congregation in Ramadhan is highly
recommended. It is known by the following:
1. Determination of the Prophet about her congregation.
2. Deed he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam.
3. His statement about fadlilah (virtue) it.
Determination he appears in the hadith Tsa `spider bin Abi Malik Al-Quradli, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night in the month of Ramadhan out and saw a group of people praying in the mosque next door. He asked: "What are they doing?" Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, they are the people who can not read the Qur'an, Ubay ibn Ka'b read it to them and they pray with him that". Then he said: "They have done good," or "They have done right and it was not hated for them." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi 2/495 and he said: "This hadeeth mursal hasan." Shaykh Al-Albani said: "This hadith has been narrated also serialized (maushul) from other avenues of Abi Hurairah radliyallahu` anhu with sanad la ba 'sa bihi because the hadiths supporters. hadith is also mentioned by Ibn Nasr in Qiyamul Lail terms. Abu Dawud 90 with a history of 1/217 and Al-Bayhaqi).
While his actions in this regard mentioned in some hadith, namely: From Nu `man bin Bashir radliyallahu` anhu, he said: "We stood (to pray tarawih) with the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam at night to 23 in the month of Ramadhan until the end The first third of the night. then we prayed with him on the night of the 25th to mid-evening. then he prayed with us until the night of the 27th we thought that we did not get the al-Falah (dawn meal) until we called for the dawn. " (Narrated by Ibn Abi Al-Mushannaf Syaibah in 2/40/2, Ibn Nasr 89, An-Nasai 1/238, Ahmad 4/272, Al-Firyabi in Ar-Rabi `wal Khamis min Kitabis Shiyam 1/440 and said : "In this hadith there is a clear proposition that tarawih prayers in the mosques of the Muslims including the sunnah and Ali ibn Abi Talib has always advocated radliyallahu` Umar Umar to set up this sunnah until he had set it up. ")
Also the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam perform prayers in the month of Ramadhan. I came and stood beside her. Then came another and another until they numbered more than three people. When the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam felt that I was behind him, he lighten (reading) prayer, then go to his house. Once inside his house, he prayed there and pray with us. The next day we asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, you taught us last night (dien case)?" So he replied: "Yes, and that's what caused me to do." (Narrated by Ahmad 3/199, 212, 291 and Ibn Nasr with two saheeh isnaad and At-Thabrani in Al-Ausath, semisalnya as in Al-Jami '3/173).
Also the hadith of Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" People pray at the mosque the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan with groups. Someone who has a bit of (verses) of the Qur'an along with five or six people or less or more than that. they prayed together one last. then the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ordered that night to put a mat on the (front) door of my room. I also do it. then the Prophet came out to him after the late evening prayers. then assembled human Prophet in the mosque and pray with them late into the night. Messenger then go and enter (the house) to leave the mat away (in the original). In the morning, people discuss prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam with people there in the mosque at night. then become a mosque full of people. Then the Prophet came out (to the mosque) on the second night and they pray with him. Be men discuss it. After that improved many who attended the mosque (up packed with residents .) On the eve of the third man beliaupun out and pray with him. then when the fourth night the mosque was not nearly enough. then Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam evening prayers' that end with them and then go into his house, were human remains (in mosque). Messenger of Allah said to me: "O Aisha, what about the human condition?" I said: 'O Messenger of Allah, people hear about prayers with the people in the mosque last night, they flock to it and ask that you pray with them. " Then he said: "Fold your mat, O Ayesha!" Neither do so. Messenger overnight (at home) and not in a state of neglect while people remain in their place. dressing some of them say the word "prayer" to the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam out for morning prayers. dawn When finished praying, he was facing the man and bertasyahud (say the shahada in khutbatul Hajah), and then said: "Amma ba` du, O people, by Allah, Alhamdulillah last night I was not in a state of neglect and you two are not obscured for me. However, I'm worried about is obligatory upon you (in another narration: But I fear Lail prayers obligatory upon you) then you are weak (to do so), then it means you are burdened deeds that you can not afford. God does not get tired until you get tired. "In another narration there are additional, Az-Zuhri said:" After the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam died, things were so. This lasted until the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar at the beginning of the caliphate. "(Narrated by Bukhari 3/8-10, 4/203, 205, 2/177-178-188-189 Muslim, Abu Daud 1/217, An-Nasai 1 / 237 and others).
Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar commented Az-Zuhri saying "such circumstances", that is in a state of abandonment tarawih prayers in congregation.
While Sheikh Albani states: "More accurate to say that he meant tarawih prayers done in groups."
Shaykh Albani said: "This hadith is explained very clearly about disyariatkannya tarawih prayers in congregation, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam continue to do on those evenings. Mentioned in this hadith that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam left at night fourth (ie tarawih prayers in congregation) for fear required of them with his words: I'm afraid (it) is obligatory upon you. Undoubtedly the Prophet worries disappear with his death after Allah perfected His Shari'a. hereby gone since leaving the congregation and return to the previous law disyariatkannya worshipers. therefore Umar radliyallahu `anhu menghidupkkannya back."
The hadith of ibn al-Yaman Hudzaifah radliyallahu `anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night prayers in the month of Ramadhan in the room (made) from the midrib of dates. Then the pitcher of water poured for him. Then he said: "Allahu Akbar (three times) Dhul angelic jabarut wal wal kibriya 'wal` adhamah ", then read surah Al-Baqarah. Then he bowing and such ruku'nya old establishment and read on ruku'nya: Subhana rabbiyal `adhim, Subhana rabbiyal` adhim. Then he raised his head from bowing and stand as long ruku'nya and say: "Rabiyal hamdu". Then prostrate and long prostration as stands (ie standing after bowing) in prostration and say "Subhana rabbiyal a` la ". Then lifting his head from prostration and read in between the two prostrations rabbighfirli and sat for a prostration. Then bow down again and read "Subhana rabiyal a` la ". He prayed four rak'ahs and in it read surah Al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Maida and Al-An `am to come to prayer to prayer (fajr)." (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/90/2 Ibn Nasr case. 89-90, An-Nasai 1/246, Ahmad 5/400, Ibn Majah 1/291, Al-Hakim 1/271, 1/139-140 Abu Dawud, At-Thahawi in Al-Misykah 1 / 308, At-Thayalisi 1/115, Al-Bayhaqi 2/121-122, Ahmad 5/398, Muslim 2/186 and others).
The description of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the virtues of praying in congregation tarawih contained in the hadeeth of Abu Dharr radliyallahu `anhu, he said: We are fasting (Ramadhan), the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with us until the remaining seven days of fasting month of Ramadan. He stood up (for prayer) until one third of the night. He did not stand up (prayers) with us on the rest of the night sixth and stand with us for the rest of the fifth night until half the night. We asked: "O Messenger of Allah, if you sunnah prayer with us for the rest of the night." He replied: "Whoever stands (for prayer tarawih) with the priest until he (the priest) turn, then write him pray all night." Then he did not pray with us until the remaining three nights Ramadhan. He prayed with us for the rest of the third night and he called his family and his wife. He prayed with us until we were worried Falah. Abu Dhar radliyallahu `anhu asked:" What is Falah's that? " He replied: "(Falah is) Sahur." (Reported by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2190/2, Abu Daud 1/217, At-Tirmidhi and dishahihkannya 2/72-73, An-Nasai 1/237, Ibn Majah 11/397, Ath-Thahawi in Syarhu Ma `annealing Atsar 1 / 206, Ibn Nasr case 79, Al-Firyabi 71/1-82/2 and Al-Bayhaqi and saheeh isnaad as expressions of sheikh Al-Albani.)
Speech he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam:" Whoever prayed with priests ... " menunujukkan clear primacy in the month of Ramadhan tarawih prayers with the priest. This is confirmed by Abu Dawud in al-Masa'il things. 62, he said: "I heard Ahmad was asked:" Which one you prefer, a prayer with men (congregation) or are you alone? "He said," Prayer of a common man. I also heard him say: "I'm in awe of someone who prays Witr with tarawih and priests. Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam said: "Indeed a person who prays (tarawih) as a priest until the end, Allah will write for him the rest of the night." All such This was also stated by Ibn Nasr case. 91 of Ahmad. then Abu Dawud said: "Someone said to Ahmad:" I heard diakhirkan tarawih prayers till late in the night? " He replied: "No, the Sunnah of the Muslims more I like."
According to Shaikh Al-Albani intention is to hasten tarawih prayers in congregation (at the beginning of time) was more important than being alone, although diakhirkan until late evening. Prayer at the end of the night had a special virtue. More afdlal congregation since the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam work with men in mosques on some nights as the hadith Aisha in front. Therefore, Muslims execute (in congregation) at the time of Umar radliyallahu `anhu until now." (Tarawih Shalatut things. 15)
1. Determination of the Prophet about her congregation.
2. Deed he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam.
3. His statement about fadlilah (virtue) it.
Determination he appears in the hadith Tsa `spider bin Abi Malik Al-Quradli, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night in the month of Ramadhan out and saw a group of people praying in the mosque next door. He asked: "What are they doing?" Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah, they are the people who can not read the Qur'an, Ubay ibn Ka'b read it to them and they pray with him that". Then he said: "They have done good," or "They have done right and it was not hated for them." (Narrated by al-Bayhaqi 2/495 and he said: "This hadeeth mursal hasan." Shaykh Al-Albani said: "This hadith has been narrated also serialized (maushul) from other avenues of Abi Hurairah radliyallahu` anhu with sanad la ba 'sa bihi because the hadiths supporters. hadith is also mentioned by Ibn Nasr in Qiyamul Lail terms. Abu Dawud 90 with a history of 1/217 and Al-Bayhaqi).
While his actions in this regard mentioned in some hadith, namely: From Nu `man bin Bashir radliyallahu` anhu, he said: "We stood (to pray tarawih) with the Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam at night to 23 in the month of Ramadhan until the end The first third of the night. then we prayed with him on the night of the 25th to mid-evening. then he prayed with us until the night of the 27th we thought that we did not get the al-Falah (dawn meal) until we called for the dawn. " (Narrated by Ibn Abi Al-Mushannaf Syaibah in 2/40/2, Ibn Nasr 89, An-Nasai 1/238, Ahmad 4/272, Al-Firyabi in Ar-Rabi `wal Khamis min Kitabis Shiyam 1/440 and said : "In this hadith there is a clear proposition that tarawih prayers in the mosques of the Muslims including the sunnah and Ali ibn Abi Talib has always advocated radliyallahu` Umar Umar to set up this sunnah until he had set it up. ")
Also the hadith of Anas radliyallahu `anhu, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam perform prayers in the month of Ramadhan. I came and stood beside her. Then came another and another until they numbered more than three people. When the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam felt that I was behind him, he lighten (reading) prayer, then go to his house. Once inside his house, he prayed there and pray with us. The next day we asked: "O Messenger of Allaah, you taught us last night (dien case)?" So he replied: "Yes, and that's what caused me to do." (Narrated by Ahmad 3/199, 212, 291 and Ibn Nasr with two saheeh isnaad and At-Thabrani in Al-Ausath, semisalnya as in Al-Jami '3/173).
Also the hadith of Aisha radliyallahu `anha, he said:" People pray at the mosque the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam in the month of Ramadhan with groups. Someone who has a bit of (verses) of the Qur'an along with five or six people or less or more than that. they prayed together one last. then the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ordered that night to put a mat on the (front) door of my room. I also do it. then the Prophet came out to him after the late evening prayers. then assembled human Prophet in the mosque and pray with them late into the night. Messenger then go and enter (the house) to leave the mat away (in the original). In the morning, people discuss prayer Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam with people there in the mosque at night. then become a mosque full of people. Then the Prophet came out (to the mosque) on the second night and they pray with him. Be men discuss it. After that improved many who attended the mosque (up packed with residents .) On the eve of the third man beliaupun out and pray with him. then when the fourth night the mosque was not nearly enough. then Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam evening prayers' that end with them and then go into his house, were human remains (in mosque). Messenger of Allah said to me: "O Aisha, what about the human condition?" I said: 'O Messenger of Allah, people hear about prayers with the people in the mosque last night, they flock to it and ask that you pray with them. " Then he said: "Fold your mat, O Ayesha!" Neither do so. Messenger overnight (at home) and not in a state of neglect while people remain in their place. dressing some of them say the word "prayer" to the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam out for morning prayers. dawn When finished praying, he was facing the man and bertasyahud (say the shahada in khutbatul Hajah), and then said: "Amma ba` du, O people, by Allah, Alhamdulillah last night I was not in a state of neglect and you two are not obscured for me. However, I'm worried about is obligatory upon you (in another narration: But I fear Lail prayers obligatory upon you) then you are weak (to do so), then it means you are burdened deeds that you can not afford. God does not get tired until you get tired. "In another narration there are additional, Az-Zuhri said:" After the Prophet sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam died, things were so. This lasted until the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar at the beginning of the caliphate. "(Narrated by Bukhari 3/8-10, 4/203, 205, 2/177-178-188-189 Muslim, Abu Daud 1/217, An-Nasai 1 / 237 and others).
Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar commented Az-Zuhri saying "such circumstances", that is in a state of abandonment tarawih prayers in congregation.
While Sheikh Albani states: "More accurate to say that he meant tarawih prayers done in groups."
Shaykh Albani said: "This hadith is explained very clearly about disyariatkannya tarawih prayers in congregation, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam continue to do on those evenings. Mentioned in this hadith that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam left at night fourth (ie tarawih prayers in congregation) for fear required of them with his words: I'm afraid (it) is obligatory upon you. Undoubtedly the Prophet worries disappear with his death after Allah perfected His Shari'a. hereby gone since leaving the congregation and return to the previous law disyariatkannya worshipers. therefore Umar radliyallahu `anhu menghidupkkannya back."
The hadith of ibn al-Yaman Hudzaifah radliyallahu `anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu` alaihi wa sallam one night prayers in the month of Ramadhan in the room (made) from the midrib of dates. Then the pitcher of water poured for him. Then he said: "Allahu Akbar (three times) Dhul angelic jabarut wal wal kibriya 'wal` adhamah ", then read surah Al-Baqarah. Then he bowing and such ruku'nya old establishment and read on ruku'nya: Subhana rabbiyal `adhim, Subhana rabbiyal` adhim. Then he raised his head from bowing and stand as long ruku'nya and say: "Rabiyal hamdu". Then prostrate and long prostration as stands (ie standing after bowing) in prostration and say "Subhana rabbiyal a` la ". Then lifting his head from prostration and read in between the two prostrations rabbighfirli and sat for a prostration. Then bow down again and read "Subhana rabiyal a` la ". He prayed four rak'ahs and in it read surah Al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, An-Nisa, Al-Maida and Al-An `am to come to prayer to prayer (fajr)." (Narrated by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/90/2 Ibn Nasr case. 89-90, An-Nasai 1/246, Ahmad 5/400, Ibn Majah 1/291, Al-Hakim 1/271, 1/139-140 Abu Dawud, At-Thahawi in Al-Misykah 1 / 308, At-Thayalisi 1/115, Al-Bayhaqi 2/121-122, Ahmad 5/398, Muslim 2/186 and others).
The description of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the virtues of praying in congregation tarawih contained in the hadeeth of Abu Dharr radliyallahu `anhu, he said: We are fasting (Ramadhan), the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam did not pray with us until the remaining seven days of fasting month of Ramadan. He stood up (for prayer) until one third of the night. He did not stand up (prayers) with us on the rest of the night sixth and stand with us for the rest of the fifth night until half the night. We asked: "O Messenger of Allah, if you sunnah prayer with us for the rest of the night." He replied: "Whoever stands (for prayer tarawih) with the priest until he (the priest) turn, then write him pray all night." Then he did not pray with us until the remaining three nights Ramadhan. He prayed with us for the rest of the third night and he called his family and his wife. He prayed with us until we were worried Falah. Abu Dhar radliyallahu `anhu asked:" What is Falah's that? " He replied: "(Falah is) Sahur." (Reported by Ibn Abi Syaibah 2190/2, Abu Daud 1/217, At-Tirmidhi and dishahihkannya 2/72-73, An-Nasai 1/237, Ibn Majah 11/397, Ath-Thahawi in Syarhu Ma `annealing Atsar 1 / 206, Ibn Nasr case 79, Al-Firyabi 71/1-82/2 and Al-Bayhaqi and saheeh isnaad as expressions of sheikh Al-Albani.)
Speech he sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam:" Whoever prayed with priests ... " menunujukkan clear primacy in the month of Ramadhan tarawih prayers with the priest. This is confirmed by Abu Dawud in al-Masa'il things. 62, he said: "I heard Ahmad was asked:" Which one you prefer, a prayer with men (congregation) or are you alone? "He said," Prayer of a common man. I also heard him say: "I'm in awe of someone who prays Witr with tarawih and priests. Prophet sallallaahu` alayhi wa sallam said: "Indeed a person who prays (tarawih) as a priest until the end, Allah will write for him the rest of the night." All such This was also stated by Ibn Nasr case. 91 of Ahmad. then Abu Dawud said: "Someone said to Ahmad:" I heard diakhirkan tarawih prayers till late in the night? " He replied: "No, the Sunnah of the Muslims more I like."
According to Shaikh Al-Albani intention is to hasten tarawih prayers in congregation (at the beginning of time) was more important than being alone, although diakhirkan until late evening. Prayer at the end of the night had a special virtue. More afdlal congregation since the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam work with men in mosques on some nights as the hadith Aisha in front. Therefore, Muslims execute (in congregation) at the time of Umar radliyallahu `anhu until now." (Tarawih Shalatut things. 15)
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