Thursday, January 31, 2013

7 ( seven ) aspect and the 45 (forty- five ) indicators regarding pedagogical mastery .Here are seven indicators and their pedagogical aspects

   Factor 7 (seven) aspects and the 45 (forty-five) indicators regarding pedagogical mastery. Here are seven indicators and their pedagogical aspects:

A. Mastering the characteristics of learners. Teacher is able to record and use information on the characteristics of learners to help the learning process. This characteristic is related to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, moral, cultural and social background:
     Teachers can learn to identify the characteristics of each learner in the class,
     Teachers ensure that all students have the same opportunity to actively participate in learning activities,
     Teachers can set up classes to provide equal learning opportunities to all students with disabilities and different learning abilities,
     Teachers try to find the cause of misbehaving students to prevent such behavior does not harm other students,
     Teachers help develop the potential and overcome the shortage of students,
     Teachers observe students with certain physical weaknesses in order to follow the activities of learning, so that learners are not marginalized (excluded, ribbed, Äêolok, insecure, etc.).

B. Dominate learning theories and principles of learning that educates Äêprinsip. Teachers were able to assign a variety of approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques creatively educating learning accordance with the standards of competence of teachers. Teachers are able to adjust teaching methods to suit the characteristics of learners and motivate them to learn:
     Teachers provide opportunities for students to master the age-appropriate learning materials and learning skills through the learning process and activity settings are varied,
     Teachers always make sure learners degree of understanding of the specific learning materials and adjust subsequent learning activities based on the level of understanding,
     Teachers can explain the reason for the implementation of the activity / activities done both appropriate and different to the plan, relevant learning success,
     Teachers use a variety of techniques to memotiviasi willingness of learners,
     Teachers plan learning activities that are interrelated to each other, taking into account the purpose of learning and the learning process of students,
     Teachers observe students' responses are not / do not understand the lessons being taught and used to improve the design of subsequent learning.

C. Curriculum development. Teachers able to prepare a syllabus in accordance with the most important goal of the curriculum and use the lesson plans in accordance with the objectives and the learning environment. Teachers are able to choose, prepare, and organize learning materials according to the needs of the students:
     Teachers can set syllabus in accordance with the curriculum,
     Teachers design lesson plans in accordance with the syllabus to discuss specific teaching materials so that learners can achieve basic competency specified,
     Teachers follow a sequence of learning materials with respect to the learning objectives,
     Teachers choose learning materials: (1) in accordance with the purpose of learning, (2) appropriate and up to date, (3) according to age and ability levels of learners, (4) can be implemented in the classroom, and (5) in the context of daily life , Äêhari learners.

D. Learning activities that educate. Teachers to develop and implement an educational lesson plan is complete. Teachers to implement learning activities that suit the needs of learners. Teachers to develop and use a variety of teaching materials and learning resources according to the characteristics of learners. If relevant, teachers utilize information and communications technology (ICT) for the sake of learning:
     Teachers implement learning activities in accordance with the design that has been developed completely and implementation of these activities indicates that teachers understand the purpose,
     Teachers implement instructional activities that aim to help the learning process of students, not to test so as to make the students feel depressed,
     Teachers communicate new information (eg additional material) according to age and ability levels of learners,
     Teachers address the mistakes made by the students as the stages of the learning process, not only, Äêmata mistakes to be corrected. For example: to know in advance the other students who agree / disagree with the answer, before giving an explanation of the correct answer yamg,
     Teachers implement learning activities appropriate curriculum content and linking them with real life context, Äêhari learners,
     Teacher learning activity varies with time for learning activities appropriate to the age and level of ability to learn and retain the attention of students,
     Teachers manage the class effectively without dominating or busy with their own activities so that all participants can be utilized time productively,
     Teachers capable audio, Äêvisual (including tick) to increase motivation of learners in achieving learning objectives. Customize learning activities designed to classroom conditions,
     Teachers provide many opportunities for students to ask questions, practice and interact with other learners,
     Teachers manage the implementation of a systematic instructional activities to help the learning process of students. Sebagaicontoh: teachers add new information after evaluating student understanding of the material before, and
     Teachers use teaching aids, and / or audio, Äêvisual (including tick) to enhance learning motivation pesertadidik in achieving the learning objectives.

E. Development of potential learners. Teachers are able to analyze the learning potential of each learner and identify potential development of students through a program that encourages students to actualize embelajaran academic potential, personality, and creativity until there is clear evidence that students actualize their potential:
     Teachers analyze the learning outcomes based on any form of assessment of each learner to determine their rate of progress, Äêmasing.
     Teachers design and implement learning activities that encourage learners to learn according to their learning skills and patterns, Äêmasing.
     Teachers design and implement instructional activities to bring creativity and critical thinking skills of students.
      Teachers actively assist learners in the learning process by giving attention to each individual.
     Teachers can identify correctly about the talents, interests, potential, and learning difficulties of each student.
     Teachers provide learning opportunities to students in accordance with their respective ways of learning.
     Teachers focus on the interaction with students and encourage them to understand and use the information presented.

F. Communication with learners. Teachers are able to communicate effectively, and empathetic manner with the students and be enthusiastic and positive. Teachers are able to provide complete and relevant responses to comments or questions learners:
     Teachers use questions to determine understanding and maintaining the participation of students, including providing open-ended questions that require students to respond with their ideas and knowledge.
     Teachers pay attention and listen to all the questions and responses of students, tanpamenginterupsi, except where necessary to assist or clarify questions / responses.
     Teachers respond to students' questions in a timely, correct, and current, appropriate learning objectives and curriculum content, without embarrassing.
     Teacher presents learning activities that can foster good cooperation antarpeserta students.
     Teachers listen and pay attention to all students answer both correctly and incorrectly considered to measure the level of understanding of learners.
     Teachers pay attention to the questions of students and respond in full danrelevan to eliminate confusion on the learner.

G. Assessment and Evaluation. Teachers to conduct learning outcomes assessment process and on an ongoing basis. Teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of the process and learning outcomes and use the results of assessment and evaluation information for designing remedial and enrichment programs. Teachers are able to use the results of the analysis of assessment in the learning process:
     Teachers formulate appropriate assessment tools with the goal of learning to achieve specific competencies as written in the RPP.
     Teachers carry out assessments with various techniques and types of assessment, in addition to formal assessment conducted schools, and announce the results and implications for the students, about the level of understanding of the material that has been and will be studied.
     Teachers analyze assessment results to identify topics / basic competencies difficult that know their strengths and weaknesses, Äêmasing learners for both remedial and enrichment.
     Teachers utilize input from learners and to reflect further enhance learning, and can prove it through the records, learning journals, learning design, additional material, and so on.
     Teachers take advantage of the assessment as a learning process of drafting to do next.

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