Explanation of prayer qunut done in Witr prayer, from the perspective of hadith
and fiqh perspective
(Presented by Shaykh Muhammad bin Salim bin Umar
Bazmul while teaching at the University of Umm al-Quraa, Saudi Arabia)
Lessons are divided into two main parts:
Part One: history-a
history that discussed validity
Part Two: Issues relating to prayer qunut
done in Witr prayer
Authors gather all the authentic history of the
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) and his companions statements relating to
qunut the Witr prayer.
Then he collects are included in the category is
valid, in order to distinguish between the (history of) those that can not be
acceptable and the unacceptable, in order to concentrate on the basic principles
of proper lesson is taken, which is based solely on issues relating with prayer
qunut in Witr prayer.
He also collected from well-known schools of
jurisprudence that have that explain about it, including schools Dhahiriyyah.
Authors then go back and examine these issues one by one, sorting
according to the valid history, using the methodology of the scholars
researching, arguing, and draw conclusions.
Some of the conclusions in
the study (him) as follows:
1. That prayer qunut the Witr prayer (in the
month of Ramadan, red) are allowed do all year round. [Ishaq bin Rahawaih choose
qunut (Witr) held during the year, see Mukhtasar Qiyamullail 125, see also the
book at-Legal Affairs Committee was fii Masaailil Thaharah Salah by DR. Muhammad
ibn 'Umar Bazmul it 362-385. And the word Ma'mar: "I qunut Witr Ramadan
throughout the year except early to mid qunut I did not, so first requests by
Hasan al-Bahsri, he said from Qatadah and others. See Mushannaf 'Abdurrazzaq
3/120 with a saheeh isnaad . well as from Ibrahim an-Nakha'i have said
'Abdullah: "he never qunut Shubuh all year and he qunut Witr every night before
bowing." said Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Syaibah: "It atsar on file. Ibn Abi Syaibah
2/305-306 or 2/205] ".
2. Including the sunnah of Prophet (sallallaahu
'alaihi wasallam) which carry sometimes and sometimes left.
3. Connect
(above), which is set every night is half last night of the month of Ramadan,
which begins with a sixteenth night. [From 'Amr Hasan, that' Umar radiyallaahu
'anhu asked Ubay radiyallaahu' anhu lead the prayers tarawih pd month of
Ramadan, and he ordered Ubayy radiyallaahu 'anhu to perform qunut Ramadan began
in the mid 16 nights of Ramadan. Ibn Abi Syaibah 2/205 no.10]
4. Qunut
(should) be abandoned at the first half of the month Ramadhaan, especially if
the prayer is performed in congregation with the people, because it deviates
from the Sunnah, and not widely known.
5. Qunut allowed to conduct
prayers at (night) the first and second half of the month of Ramadhaan.
6. Qunut in Witr prayer can be done before or after bowing, although
best done before bowing. [Hadith Ubay ibn Ka'b: "that the Prophet sallallaahu
'alayhi wasallam qunut the Witr prayer before bowing. Abu Dawud no 1427 , Ibn
Majah no 1182, sanad saheeh hadeeth (see 'Irwaul Ghalil 1/167 Hadith No. 426
Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud and No. 1266). And as hadith Hasan bin Ali radiyallaahu'
anhuma, and history that is authentic from 'Abdullah ibn Mas' ud and 'Abdullah
bin Umar radiyallaahu' anhuma, even jumhur narrated from the Companions, as
narrated Ibrahim al-Qamah: "Verily, Ibn Mas'ud and other Companions of the
Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam qunut the Witr prayer before bowing."
Listen Narrated Ibn olsyaieh Abi Syaibah 2/302 or 2/202 no 12, said by al-Hafiz
in "Addirayah" hasan isnaad. Shaykh Albani said sanadnya jayyid according to
Muslim requirements (Irwaa'ul Ghalil 2/166). Also Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullah
said: "That sounds qunut prayer after bowing and coupled with orang2 cursed
infidel, and blessings to Prophet shallalaahu 'alayhi wasallam, and pray for the
good of the Muslims, in the middle of Ramadan, because there is the argument of
the Sahaba radiyallaahu' anhuma at the time of Umar radiyallaahu 'anhu. Listen
Qiyamu Ramadan p.31-32]
7. Includes deviate from the Sunnah bertakbir
(Allahu akbar) before and after qunut, when (pick) qunut pray before bowing.
8. Includes Sunnah is that the priest prays his voice when qunut, and
the jama'ahnya say "ameen".
9. Including the Sunnah, to not lengthen
qunut prayer, and it is best to refer to replenish themselves what reported the
Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam), so he's only allowed to extend the
corresponding statement has been fixed.
10. There is no provision that
requires people to pray qunut a certain way, is not free to do anything, because
the best way to have authentic history.
11. Sunnah is for the imam
people to not pray qunut in the first half of the month Ramadhaan, (but) do
qunut is the last half, and begged (in qunut) to destroy the infidels on
qunutnya prayer.
12. Allowed to raise their hands in prayer qunut, or
let her stay on the side (like the previous position / not raise their hands),
or raise your arms and lower initial qunut qunut hand at the end, all this means
is allowed.
13. Not allowed to wipe / wipe his face with hands after
14. Allowed to say prayers to the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi
wasallam) in (the) prayer qunut.
15. Abdullaah ibn Mas'ud and Ubay ibn
Ka'b (may Allah meridloi both) who has narrated a lot about prayer qunut in
(the) Witr prayer.
16. Pray the Witr prayer is like most is the Maghrib,
for Maghrib prayer is Witr in the afternoon [/ day] day.
17. Anything
done in qunut nazilah (conducted in obligatory prayers) can also be done in
prayer qunut the Witr prayer. This is consistent with the principle that
something passed in the compulsory practice is also authorized to practice
sunnah, unless there is specific arguments against it.
And he hoped
would help revive the manhaj Ulama 'in (the) researching, collecting arguments,
accept and reject the argument in terms of their validity, and then make
conclusions based on it.
May Allaah hears composer, sera giving
guidance, and perseverance.
[From the abstract lessons delivered Shaykh
Muhammad Bazmul at Umm al-Quraa University, Saudi Arabia]
A fourth: Is
the position of the hands raised in prayer qunut?
These laws set forth
in prayer qunut:
1) That a person raises his hand;
[Caption ust Abu
Hamza Yusuf: Dzahir words Ahlul ilmi (about kaifiyat raised his hand): "that his
hands were bound up like a man pleading, asking of others to give something. The
stretched and far between the two hands, so I do not know of its origin nor in
the Sunnah of the words of scholars "
2) That someone let his hands were by
his side;
3) That someone raises his hand in the early qunut and lowered
his hands at the end qunut.
Theorem (with respect to the points above):
1) The Prophet (Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) used to raise his hands
to pray qunut an-nazilah, ie invoke (Allah, red) to destroy the (infidel).
[Sahihh: Ahmad 3/137, al-Mu `jam as-Saghir and al-Bayhaqi in Dalaa'il
an-nubuwwah and As-Sunan Al-Kubraa. See also: Irwaa 'Al-Ghalil (2/181)].
And 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood before lifting his hand as qunut.
Az-Zuhri reported, referring to the Prophet's Companions actions: "They were not
raised his hands in Witr in the month of Ramadan."
3) Az-Zuhri narrated
that Ibn Mas'ud first raised his hands in (the) Witr, and after it left his hand
at his side.
Moses Abul-'Abbaas Musa ibn John Richardson (' Aziziyyah,
Makkah, Saudi Arabia) said: Ibn Mas'ud that the appropriate action here, because
he is a companion of the Prophet, and this act is tauqifi, limited by the
argument, then he will not be doing a variety of things in prayer in his own,
but he learned it from the Prophet (Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam). And Allaah
knows best.
The sixth problem: Is prayer qunut and saying "Amiin" the
congregation / jama 'ah carried out in a loud voice?
Considering there is no history that says that they used to be (friends) say
"Amiin" imam behind them along qunut witr, then the arguments of the actions can
be taken on qunut's best friend-naazilah (prayer to invoke the fight over the
people (enemy, red) were performed on an obligatory prayer), because of their
saying "Amiin" behind the Imam in prayer is the practice of (a) is conducted in
the obligatory prayers. This has been fixed arguments made in the Maghrib
prayer, which [is Maghrib prayer, red] that Witr obligatory, thus also allowed
to do so in the prayer which is not obligatory, based on the principles
described in the following rules:
"... Anything that has been assigned
to qunut nazilah (conducted at the compulsory prayer) is also practiced in qunut
the Witr prayer. This is supported by the practice of any obligation prescribed
in practice is also prescribed in the Sunnah practice, unless there is a special
proposition that prohibits it.
(1) As reported in the hadeeth hasan in
Musnad Ahmad (2746), Abu Dawood (1443), Ibn Khuzaimah (618), al-Haakim (1/225),
al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan as-Kubraa (2/200 ). And it has been agreed upon by
al-Haakim, Ibn Khuzaimah, and al-Albaani (Irwaa 'al-Ghalil: 2/163).
from Ibn Abbas radliyallahu companions' anhu]
And Allaah knows best .سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك
أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت
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